Starting to play around with Lit for a custom element project Iโve started, but I donโt think I can handle going back to class components after having experienced React hooks. The ability to extract complex behaviors into reusable hooks is just too useful. I would rather avoid class-based code where possible. #lithtml #customelements #WebComponents
#webcomponents #customelements #lithtml
@thisismissem which part of "the framework around them" do you miss?
Like if it's just the declarative DOM manipulation there are many dom-diffing libs. #lithtml #haunted #morphdom #virtualdom.
#webcomponents #virtualdom #morphdom #haunted #lithtml
I cannot find an example using #litHTML with the content of a `<template>` tag :(.
I've personally also seen an adapter for #lit / #lithtml and this whole idea of universal reactivity is so cool. Desperately needed, because... There is too much fragmentation out there, and it's nice to see it all coming together in a way that isn't dogmatic to any one particular framework or programming paradigm.
New 5-part text & video tutorial on building an app with #LitElement, covering:
๐ฅ #lithtml templating
โ๏ธ state management with #redux
๐ข navigation and code splitting with #vaadin router & #webpack
๐ต #PWA and offline
#litelement #lithtml #redux #vaadin #webpack #pwa