Thanks to all of your generous donations Issues 1 and 2 are fully funded!

Any additional money raised will go towards three things:

1. Including more writers and artists in issues 1 and 2.
2. Funding issue 3.
3. Increasing our pay rate.

#sf #sff #sciencefiction #fantasy #speculativefiction #fundraising #litmagazine #magazine #flashfiction #flashfictionmagazine #crabs #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Sarah Tollok · @SarahTollok
223 followers · 192 posts · Server

I took a lovely nap today and woke up to an acceptance from Full Mood Mag! Now THAT is a mood! My piece Sun Flying will be featured in their mythology themed issue, Mythos. Until then, you can check out their previous issues

My fav was their music themed issue, Melomania, which reads like a playlist and they are all bangers.

#flashcnf #flashfiction #flash #writing #writingcommunity #litmags #litmagazine #litmag

Last updated 2 years ago