Last night after work I forewent drinks w/colleagues to #thriftfu #litotimancy parts for a puppet I have to build this week. Struck out altogether @ my 1st stop (a surprise since it benefits kids) & walked 15-20 mins to another. While nothing suited my needs in that regard, I did find 3 LPs, 2 books & 3 toys for <$9 tithe.
Oddly, as I paid, the clerk offered me a bag, which I declined as I bring my own. As I pulled mine out he continued as tho I said nothing 2x.
Anyway, here's my haul.
#thriftfu #litotimancy for this week (so far): 9 books (5 GNs), 7 VHSes, 18 toys (3 stuffed), 2 tees, 1 necktie, 2 USB tsotchkes & a print. Total #tithe = ~$87.
BONUS: A coat I saw & loved, but for $600 it can stay right where I found it.
Although I was mistaken that #nationalthriftshopday was Saturday, it WAS yesterday. I very nearly missed out on it completely, but omw home from the gym I hit one shop for a 1 yo's jacket for a #Muppet Whatsit I found in a Philly #thrift shop years ago, & several small toys from street vendors, for a combined #tithe of $15.
This was likely for the best, b/c #thriftfu #litotimancy sent me ALL THIS in the previous couple weeks. (I'm afraid I can't tally them up right this moment: I'm at work.)
#nationalthriftshopday #muppet #thrift #tithe #thriftfu #litotimancy
Late in the day to say so, I know, but today is one of the most holy days of my year: #nationalthriftshopday! I've just plotted out a course south of me to hit a bunch of stoop sales and eventually make it to some chewy nuggets of #thrift shops. #thriftfu #litotimancy awaits the frugally bold!
#nationalthriftshopday #thrift #thriftfu #litotimancy
Last night's #thriftfu #litotimancy was brief, but fruitful:
• 2 CDs;
• 1 book;
• 1 shaving kit;
• 1 of the funkiest shirts on the planet (center top); and
• 18 small toys
for a total #tithe of $51. #occult #Magick #defendedbe
The 2 shirts at top right & left are new #POD #PrintOnDemand #TeePublic orders, both #robot themed.
#thriftfu #litotimancy #tithe #occult #magick #defendedbe #pod #printondemand #teepublic #robot
I really need to pull back on the #thriftfu stick: I don't know what #litotimancy is trying to tell me. Sun eve after work at a shop I've patronized for >20 years I found:
• 11 books (only 2 GNs!);
• 2 neckties;
• 1 vase I formerly owned (!!);
• 14 VHS (!!!); and
• a #Miyazaki #StudioGhibli stuffed toy
for a total #tithe of $49.50. If that wasn't enough, I found the toy assortment on the right Mon pm on a Jackson Heights street corner for $9.
And I saw the last for $11, but didn't buy it.
#thriftfu #litotimancy #miyazaki #studioghibli #tithe
Tues eve I once again went to the same #thrift shops as the previous week, just UWS franchises thereof.#thriftfu #litotimancy delivered me:
• 8 books (3 GNs);
• 2 CDs;
• 5 LPs;
• 2 tees;
• 2 VHSes;
• 4 DVDs (incl s1-3 of THE HANDMAID'S TALE);
• pineapple-shaped tea lights (set of 6);
• set of stencils;
• 3 buttons;
• a #Snoopy & #CharlieBrown #Peanuts diorama; and
• a #HexBug #VexRobotics kit, condition unknown.
Total #tithe = ~$95.
What msgs do you scrye from this strange I attract? #occult
#thrift #thriftfu #litotimancy #snoopy #CharlieBrown #peanuts #hexbug #vexrobotics #tithe #occult
Since gaining a new housemate I'd broken my fast w/a $60 #tithe that netted me, among other things, 26 vinyl records, but I didn't truly unleash the #thriftfu beast til this Tues eve, when I hit 2 of my usual #litotimancy haunts. For a TITANIC tithe of $170, I got:
• 1 LP;
• 3 CDs;
• 1 VHS;
• 1 cap;
• 1 pair funky shades;
• 2 tees;
• 1 polo;
• 1 long-sleeved shirt;
• 2 pairs of pants;
• a matched Bonobos outfit (buttondown shirt & slacks) racked separately;
• 1 hoodie; &
• 7 books (4 GNs).
Contrary to whatever debauched image I may have given as a #cannabis consumer, after the obligatory tokes at 4:20 on 4/20 (and one 5 hours later to finish off my bat), my evening, despite my intents, was solitary & serene: I arrived at a party that looked unpleasantly overpacked, so instead I walked uptown, detouring onto St. Mark's Pl, where I found a new indie bookshop hosting a "yard sale" at which #thriftfu #litotimancy delivered me 2 books, one by a childhood favorite I'd never seen before.
#cannabis #thriftfu #litotimancy
As I walked home from the train on Sunday evening I spied something sticking out of a garbage pile. When I got close I saw that it was a large framed #Uniqlo #kaws x #Peanuts #Snoopy poster. I missed out on any of that line when it was current, and I'm well-known as a #CharlesMSchulz fanboy. Once I determined that it was unbesmirched, I ganked it & carried it home. It'll be incorporated into my collection in time. #thriftfu #litotimancy
#uniqlo #Kaws #peanuts #snoopy #charlesmschulz #thriftfu #litotimancy
Today I finally cleared up a cloud that'd been hanging over me for two weeks, so in celebration I blew a tithe of ~$55 between two stores in the space of an hour via #thriftfu #litotimancy. For a change none of it was clothes, unless a generic Archie Andrews wig counts. Also included: 20 comics (mostly Boom's THE WOODS #s 1-16), a graphic novel, 2 CDs, 3 VHS tapes, a Blu-Ray, 3 DVDs of Rifftrax, 4 books and replacement keycaps for a computer I don't yet own. #Magick #occult #highstrangeness
#thriftfu #litotimancy #s #magick #occult #highstrangeness
It was an annoying but ultimately inconsequential day at work, my last until Saturday (which they'll find out on Friday morning). To commence celebrating my 47th birthday "weekend," I hit two of my usual UWS shops for #thriftfu #litotimancy, netting eight books (all but one #graphicnovels), a slick brown & white button-down shirt, a couple abstract wall hangings... and a pack of YUGIOH party napkins. Total tithe = ~$45. #magick #occult #thrift #highstrangeness
#thriftfu #litotimancy #graphicnovels #magick #occult #thrift #highstrangeness
Monday I did OT in the form of a seminar re: "Non-Verbal Communication" (summary: I should've stayed home). B/c I was going to Wonderville's monthly Open VCR Nite straight from work, I brought 10 VHS tapes. I got to Bushwick ~6:30, so I did lite #thriftfu #litotimancy & had some pizza. Upon arrival I used the loo & got my 1st drinks, only to then discover to my dismay that OVCRN began ~45 mins earlier. I still played most of my tapes; as I left, what is likely our only snow of this winter fell.
On Tuesday evening, while waiting to meet my nephew to see THE ADDICTION (1995, dir. Abel Ferrara) at Alamo Drafthouse in Brooklyn, I did some #thriftfu #litotimancy at Goodwill and Buffalo Exchange. For <$50 tithe I scored two books, two tees, a pair of cat bowls, a little stuffed arcade cabinet, a CMYK WESC hoodie and a Back To The Future buttondown short-sleeved shirt. I didn't snap any pictures before I greedily assimilated them into my various hoards. #magick #occult #highstrangeness
#thriftfu #litotimancy #magick #occult #highstrangeness
This week's #thriftfu #litotimancy finds thus far, for a total tithe of ~$70. The white & gold hoodie looks like the Cyberpunk 2077/Assassin's Creed crossover that's inevitable. #occult #Magick #strangeattractor
#thriftfu #litotimancy #occult #magick #strangeattractor
Tonight I did some #thriftfu #litotimancy @ Monk & Buffalo Exchange and, believe it or not, I actually put BACK both BTTF2 & Voltron tees (due to price & that I have too many black tees as is). I still got a white & gold hoodie and a buttondown shortsleeve for a combined tithe of $49.
After some Two Boots pizza I met @glomag@rave.nation & Corset Lore @ Nitehawk for the new Negativland documentary STAND BY FOR FAILURE. During Q&A I wowed co-founder Mark Hosler with my familiarity w/Aussie analogues T.I.S.M.
It was perhaps overly optimistic to think I might get up early enough to beat the crowds to the gym, esp when I didn't get to sleep til 4 am. No matter: I went 3x last week.
WHY my sleep schedule is off is b/c after some early kerfuffle I went into NJ on Sat to visit pal of 14+ years Baz & their spouse Bryan. We hit an estate sale & a ridiculously huge thrift store, then got a big lunch & a drink.
Below are pix of my #thriftfu #litotimancy bounty. Total tithe = ~$47. #thrift #occult
#thriftfu #litotimancy #thrift #occult
I did more #thriftfu #litotimancy after work: although I'd thought to go to up to 3 shops, what I found (& spent) @ just 1 satiated me for tonite.
To be clear, I DO put items back, like the ribbed red sweatpants & snazzy if worn red Zara Men sneakers I used to own. I nearly left w/2 books & a WAKANDA FOREVER Talokan toy, til I spied IT in the display case:
A greenish sword, definitely costume but not harmless, w/a carrying sheath. For $30 it's now an athame in my #magick altar. #defendedbe
#thriftfu #litotimancy #magick #defendedbe
After work I did my usual #thriftfu #litotimancy, first at Housing Works, finding a DVD of GUNDAM SEED, a book re: Modern #witchcraft and a rad sports jacket, all for a ~$47 tithe.
Then I hit Goodwill, which was conspicuously sparse, but I still got a WWI Flying Ace Snoopy & a tiny remote control robot for just $9.50. I overheard a customer saying that store was closing; I asked the clerk if that was so.
"Uhhh, I dunno..."
Uhhh, I think you just all but confirmed it.
I'd be sad to see it go.
#thriftfu #litotimancy #witchcraft
I thought I'd graced Mastodon w/my 1st #thriftfu #litotimancy report, but that was on Hive. As I defined this practice >23 years ago, whatever The Universe wants me to know or have it will put in my path at a price I'm willing to pay for it.
Tonight's bounty b/t 2 stores included: 3 DVDs, 14 books (6 gifts, 5 GNs), a glitchy tee, 4 comics, 6 tsotchkes and THIS FUCKEN SICK RING. I know #magick when I see it. Total "tithe" = ~$95.
I might do more before 2022 ends. Like, tomorrow. And Thursday.
#thriftfu #litotimancy #magick