Bon, je trouve ça cool Mastodon, mais je trouve que ma timeline est un peu endormie.
(Limite, ma TL Twitter vidée depuis l'arrivée d'Elon est plus vivace)
Du coup, je cherche des comptes cools à suivre sur les thématiques suivantes : #comics #manga #litteraturefantastique #popculture #lgbtqstodon #gaming #gamedev #lgbtgaming #boardgames #cooking #cuisine #decoration
#Comics #manga #litteraturefantastique #popculture #lgbtqstodon #gaming #gamedev #lgbtgaming #boardgames #cooking #cuisine #decoration
The Sapphire Goddess collects all of Nictzin Dyalhis’s stories that appeared in Weird Tales from 1925 to 1940.
His best stories are stories of love and revenge, erotically charged and with just a dash of the decadence of Clark Ashton Smith.
Very much worth reading.
My review:
#NictzinDyalhis #WeirdTales #pulpfiction #pulpmagazines #weirdfiction #litteraturefantastique #ClarkAshtonSmith #decadence #decadentfiction #horrorfiction #horror #fantasyfiction #fantasy
#nictzindyalhis #weirdtales #pulpfiction #pulpmagazines #weirdfiction #litteraturefantastique #clarkashtonsmith #decadence #decadentfiction #horrorfiction #horror #fantasyfiction #fantasy