Nächste Woche sagt #Mönchaltorf dem #Littering den Kampf an. ♻️💪 #CleanUp
#monchaltorf #littering #cleanup
#Wangen-#Brüttisellen sagt zum #Cleanupday dem #Littering wieder den Kampf an. 🗑️💪
#wangen #bruttisellen #cleanupday #littering
Liebe deine Stadt? Wohl eher Spiegel der Gesellschaft. Sonntagsmorgen am Aachener Weiher (Hiroshima-Nagasaki-Park, Köln). #koeln #littering #abfall #park #gesellschaft #verantwortung
#koeln #littering #Abfall #park #Gesellschaft #verantwortung
@mekkaokereke @carnage4life In fact, the #littering of #space and the absurd amounts of energy wasted in #Starlink would've easily paid for #FTTB / #FTTH to most households in the USA if not the entirety of Germany to the last shack in the alps and the tiniest north sea isle...
Well done #ISRO!
#isro #ftth #fttb #Starlink #Space #littering
Yo dawg, I heard you like space debris, so I put space debris in your space debris so you can clean up space debris while you clean up space debris. :( #space #spaceDebris #littering https://www.universetoday.com/162885/the-irony-clearspace-1-couldnt-clean-up-space-debris-because-its-target-already-got-hit-by-space-debris-creating-even-more-space-debris/
#littering #spacedebris #space
In Falsterbo gibt es ein "Kunstwerk". Es ist ein Kubus gefüllt mit Liegestühlen welche im 2019 an den Stränden der Gemeinde Vellinge 🇸🇪 zurückgelassen wurden.
Ist es so schwer seinen Mist wieder mitzunehmen?
#nimmdeindreckselbermit #littering #mull
#TIL this is not what #Devo's "Space Junk" was written about. Also, #NASA got fined for #littering https://www.space.com/skylab-space-station-fall-40-years.html #skylab #nasa #spacejunk
#til #devo #nasa #littering #Skylab #spacejunk
Littering is the most moronic crime. Its not like its even difficult to hold on to your rubbish until you find a bin, which are pretty common by the way. I'd introduce a £1000 minimum fine for #Littering
This includes dog owners not picking up their pet's crap by the way
Katharina Gangl from the Institute for Advanced Studies (https://insight-austria.ihs.ac.at) reports on a study with the City of #Vienna to reduce #littering: Posters of watching eyes and of Nature reduced littering, financial information and injunctive norms did not, see https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0272494422001591
#icep2023 #environmentalpsychology #littering #vienna
"Achtloses Liegenlassen und Wegwerfen von Abfällen will der Nationalrat mit bis zu 300 Franken büssen. […] Die SVP wollte von den Bussen und vom #Littering-Verbot nichts wissen. «Ein Verbot auf eidgenössischer Ebene wäre antiliberal und unschweizerisch», sagte Michael Graber (SVP/VS)."
Das einzig 'unschweizerische' hier ist die #noSVP 🤢
PS: "Auch der #Bundesrat äusserte sich ablehnend und verwies auf die kantonalen Lösungen." 🤮
If you're interested in #Sustainability, #Marketing, #BehaviourChange and making positive change happen, this is a great listen!
I love the statement that research is "like opening your chakras", as well as the way the conversation weaves into #diet (#vegan and #plantbased), car ownership and #littering, all as elements of #SocialMarketing and creating change.
It's also fabulously produced as well. Have fun!
#sustainability #marketing #behaviourchange #diet #vegan #plantbased #littering #socialmarketing
@ErichV that's like blaming a store, for customers #littering.
The people who use the #scooters are the ones leaving them laying on the sidewalk in your way. Not the company.
Nächstes Treffen des »Forum Gumpendorfer Straße« ist am Donnerstag dieser Woche. Details hier:
#Wien #Mariahilf #GumpendorferStraße #Gumpi #Stadtplanung #Verkehrswende #Fahrrad #Littering
#wien #mariahilf #gumpendorferstraße #gumpi #stadtplanung #verkehrswende #fahrrad #littering
Context: Ecology (therefore everything that humans perceive matters in their lives).
This photo is one small example, showing the evidence, out of a multitude of examples, that explicitly demonstrates that some people's psychology, some humans decisions & behaviours are maladaptive (i.e., wrong).
The photo was taken in a national 'park' (a small car parking space). Some people discard their unwanted rubbish here, other people try to clean up after them.
For some of these type, of littering morons, the adults (as mainly adults park here) that can't take their rubbish home with them, there is only the "stick" that works. For example, fines for littering.
Another method is to mitigate the types of products these adults buy, for example, they couldn't discard unwanted plastic packaging if it wasn't sold to them.
Having said that, we can also use psychology to nudge the adults behaviours. For example, in this location, a sign that said "Polite reminder - please make sure your children take their rubbish home with them. Thankyou for taking care of the environment".
That sign would be an implicit reminder for the adults, that even children understand that plastic, etc, doesn't belong in natural environments.
#littering #psychology #adults #children #ecology #PlasticPollution
#psychology #ecology #littering #adults #children #plasticpollution
Context: Ecology (therefore everything that humans perceive matters in their lives).
This photo is one small example, showing the evidence, out of a multitude of examples, that explicitly demonstrates that some people's psychology, some humans decisions & behaviours are maladaptive (i.e., wrong).
The photo was taken in a national 'park' (a small car parking space). Some people discard their unwanted rubbish here, other people try to clean up after them.
For some of these type, of littering morons, the adults (as mainly adults park here) that can't take their rubbish home with them, there is only the "stick" that works. For example, fines for littering.
Another method is to mitigate the types of products these adults buy, for example, they couldn't discard unwanted plastic packaging if it wasn't sold to them.
Having said that, we can also use psychology to nudge the adults behaviours. For example, in this location, a sign that said "Polite remainder - please make sure your children take their rubbish home with them. Thankyou for taking care of the environment".
That sign would be an implicit reminder for the adults, that even children understand that plastic, etc, doesn't belong in natural environments.
#littering #psychology #adults #children #ecology #PlasticPollution
#littering #psychology #adults #children #ecology #plasticpollution
Meine Beobachtung von Stunden auf Radtouren: Am #Littering an Strassenrändern sind Menschen in Autos schuld: Dosen von Red Bull und Papier, Stummel und Verpackungen von Zigaretten, Verpackung von Fastfood-Takeaways.
Weder ist es sinnvoll, die Schuld #Auslaender|n zuzuschieben, noch ist es sinnvoll, Gelder aus den Fonds für Umwelt- und Landschaftsschutz an Landwirte umzulenken.
Das war mal wieder eine Schnapsidee der #SVP mit #Xenophobie und #Klientelpolitik garniert. #AssVauPeh #Schweiz 2/2
#littering #auslaender #svp #xenophobie #Klientelpolitik #assvaupeh #schweiz
Die Zumutung namens #SVP wird ihrem Ruf mal wieder gerecht: Im Kanton #Zuerich wollte die Partei den Fonds für Umwelt- und Landschaftsschutz missbrauchen, um Landwirte für das Einsammeln von Abfall an Strassenrändern zu entschädigen.
In der Ratsdebatte hatte dann ein SVP-Idiot den Nerv, zu behaupten: "#Eidgenossen schmeissen keinen Müll an die Strassenränder, das tun nur Menschen mit Mitgrationshintergrund."
Eine üble Aussage und ein Dogwhistle an Xenophobe zugleich. #Littering #AssVauPeh 1/2
#svp #zuerich #eidgenossen #littering #assvaupeh
"Dirty gold: the fly-tipping gangs costing councils millions – and how you can help"
#gold #littering #rubbish #litter #Environment
An #FOI shows Oldham council issued only 64 littering fines in 2022, down from 194 in 2020, when covid restrictions were still in place.
The council also confirmed that fewer fly-tipping fines were meted out – 33 in 2022, down from 50 in 2020.
#journalism #FreedomOfInformation #JournalismTips #InvestigativeJournalism #littering #litter #rubbish #Oldham
More #FOIFriday stories: https://clairemiller.net/blog/2023/02/freedom-of-information-in-the-news-week-ending-24-2-2023-foifriday/
#foifriday #oldham #rubbish #litter #littering #investigativejournalism #journalismtips #freedomofinformation #journalism #foi