The planties grow happily 😺 🥰 🌱 🍅 🌶️
#ConnectingGardens #OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #Maerchenfee #Maerchenglanz #Maerchenzauber #Sunviva #Vivagrande #Vivaroma #PleatedTangerine #BlackHeart
#FreeTheSeeds #SpreadTheSeeds
#littlebeauties #ConnectingGardens #OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #maerchenfee #maerchenglanz #maerchenzauber #sunviva #vivagrande #vivaroma #pleatedtangerine #blackheart #FreeTheSeeds #spreadtheseeds
The #littleBeauties become bigger 🙂 There are seedlins of all sorts of OpenSource tomatoes that I have - so far there is one of the OpenSource pepper "Pleated tangerine" and 4 of the OpenSource "Blackheart" pepper/chili and so far none of the "Bubblegum" chili.
#OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #FreeTheSeeds #SpreadTheSeeds #Maerchenfee #Maerchenglanz #Maerchenzauber #Vivagrande #Vivaroma #Sunviva #PleatedTangerine #ConnectingGardens #IoG #InternetOfGardens
#littlebeauties #OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #FreeTheSeeds #spreadtheseeds #maerchenfee #maerchenglanz #maerchenzauber #vivagrande #vivaroma #sunviva #pleatedtangerine #ConnectingGardens #iog #internetofgardens
The first seedlings showing up 🥰 These are the "Maerchentomatoes" that I purchased recently. I'm very excited 💜
#littleBeauties #OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #FreeTheSeeds #SpreadTheSeeds
#littlebeauties #OpenSourceSeeds #OpenSourceGardens #FreeTheSeeds #spreadtheseeds
A sun-hatted toddler eating a Frosty Fruit, head bent in concentration. His sandal-wearing dad, matching head bent, scrolling his phone. #littlebeauties
Two children with delightfully wonky bed hair and mismatched outfits spooning hot chocolates into their sleepy faces as their mum held a messy baby and chatted to their grandma. #littlebeauties
A worker at my small local supermarket leaning in gently to ask her co-worker if she was okay. #littlebeauties
My cat resting his chin on the corner of my laptop, snoozily watching me scroll my RSS feeds. #littlebeauties
My naughty dogs sneezing at each other and tumbling amongst the covers in the VERY early morning. #littlebeauties