This photo is one of my favorite. The little blue heron was standing all elegant, as usual, when a student gust of wind hit it hard enough to ruffle its feathers, giving the bird a very surprised look for a minute or so.
Brazos Bend State Park, Texas, February 2020.
#Wind #LittleBlueHerons #Herons #Birds #Birding #Photography #Portraits #Wildlife #Nature #BirdPhotography #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography #StateParks
#stateparks #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #Nature #WildLife #portraits #Photography #birding #Birds #herons #littleblueherons #wind
I have been busy with work (even more than usual) these past days so no new photos but here is a shot of a little blue heron I took last weekend.
#Herons #Birds #LittleBlueHerons #BreedingPlumage #Birding #Photography #BirdPhotography #WildlifePhotography #NaturePhotography
#naturephotography #wildlifephotography #birdphotography #Photography #birding #breedingplumage #littleblueherons #Birds #herons
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Stop the cruel hazing of #waterbirds and destruction of sacred trees which provide essential nesting habitat for #LittleBlueHerons #TriColoredHerons #SnowyEgrets at #BrackenridgePark in #SanAntonio #Texas. #SaveBrackenridgeParkTrees
#savebrackenridgeparktrees #texas #sanantonio #brackenridgepark #snowyegrets #tricoloredherons #littleblueherons #waterbirds