Little small changes of habits that seem insignificant at the time and would have no impact individually, combined together have made a huge impact in my mental and physical health over the long term. Start small. #littlechanges #health #habits
#littlechanges #health #habits
I'm not into NY resolutions but last month back, I changed to recyclable/compostable trash bags to reduce the amount of single use plastics I consume. At the time, the only ones I could find were made in China. Now, I'm looking for US made bags that don't cost an arm and a leg. I can't change the world but I try to make little changes throughout the year that I hope add up to a useful contribution.
#recycle #compost #trashbags #littlechanges
@LawtonTri why compare just buy from Who Gives A Crap - They donate some their profits to help build toilets and their bamboo toilet paper is sustainable! #WhoGivesACrap #ToiletPaper #Sustainability #EthicalWhenICan #LittleChanges
#whogivesacrap #toiletpaper #sustainability #ethicalwhenican #littlechanges