Not being American, I assume this is amusing but have no idea why ...
Via MoonPie @MoonPie
@littledebbie I’d like to speak to Deborah please
Via Josh @suckmydiscs
Aug 1
@MoonPie I think someone is trying to start a fight
My whole life I called these "Nutty Buddy" only to find out that they had always been called "Nutty Bars” and only recently (2016) changed their name to “Nutty Buddy”.
#mandelaeffect #snacks #littledebbie
A few more of the new products that we got yesterday while at Walmart.
1: DingDongs and Twinkies Mashups
2: Little Debbie Cookies & Creme Brownies
3: Mt. Dew Baja Passion Fruit Punch(Limited summer edition)
4: GFuel Pac-Man energy drink(I mainly bought it for the can itself)
You can see all of the other new products we got via the link below.
#Food #FoodPorn #NewProducts #Twinkies #DingDongs #GFuel #MtnDew #MtDew #LittleDebbie
#food #foodporn #newproducts #twinkies #dingdongs #gfuel #mtndew #mtdew #littledebbie
These were the premium fuel of my childhood. I bet they powered hundreds of miles on my BMX bike. What was the fuel of your childhood? @ant_pruitt @leo @jeffjarvis @PadreSJ #littledebbie #pecanpies #childhoodmemories
#littledebbie #pecanpies #childhoodmemories
Today shall be ended with The Walking Dead, a nutty bar and oatmeal cream pie. #judgeme #littledebbie #bawk #twd #walkingdead #television
#judgeme #littledebbie #bawk #twd #walkingdead #television
So I just ate a swiss roll and while flossing afterwards I had a faint idea pop in my head: mint creme swiss rolls would be the best thing since they stopped making boston creme rolls.
#LittleDebbie hit me up yo!
The Evening Post: Little Debbie Vs Great Value Knock-Offs
People say Great Value is just as good as the original, so Matt Mitchell did a blind taste test to see how the Walmart knock-offs stack up against the queen of the snack aisle, Little Debbie.
#TheEveningPostStuff #GreatValue #LittleDebbie #LittleDebbieVsGreatValueKnock-Offs #MattMitchell #YouTube
#theeveningpoststuff #greatvalue #littledebbie #littledebbievsgreatvalueknock #mattmitchell #youtube
At Christmas time everyone was so excited about the #LittleDebbie Christmas cakes. Not me though, these #ValentinesDay Brownies are my jam!
Although I accidentally put it in the fridge one time and now that is how I eat them 🤷♀️
(I used to love the ones they put out over the summer but they don't sell them in my area anymore)
Foodie Saturdays: Little Debbie Christmas Tree Pancakes – Christmas Breakfast On The Griddle
Welcome to the Foodie Saturdays segment! Each week
#ChristmasSeasonStuff #FoodTalk&ReviewsStuff #food #FoodReviews #Foodie #FoodiePosts #FoodieSaturdays #FoodieStuff #LittleDebbie #LittleDebbieChristmasTreeCakes #LittleDebbieChristmasTreePancakes #TheFlatTopKing #YouTube
#christmasseasonstuff #foodtalk #food #foodreviews #foodie #foodieposts #foodiesaturdays #foodiestuff #littledebbie #littledebbiechristmastreecakes #littledebbiechristmastreepancakes #theflattopking #youtube
#ChristmasTree So if you like #LittleDebbie snacks, they have some Christmas trees that are just like dingdongs, the filling and everything. We got some to try tonight.
For a split second at the grocery store I was tempted to buy snack cakes but thought it an immature purchase. And now, here I am, having just eaten dinner wishing I had something cake-like yet only snack-sized.
#snackcakes #littledebbie
@ANGELGIRL1976 Where'd you get them? didn't know #LittleDebbie makes them or seasonal stuff. Now we have to look just got #gingerSnaps from frys