“Gaslight” in the novels of Charles Dickens, especially “Our Mutual Friend” (1865). #111Words #CharlesDickens #Gaslight #MartinChuzzlewit #HardTimes #LittleDorrit #OurMutualFriend #Literature #Technology https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/07/gaslight-in-novels-of-charles-dickens.html
#technology #literature #ourmutualfriend #littledorrit #HardTimes #martinchuzzlewit #gaslight #charlesdickens #111words
Rather stunned earlier today at the passage I read in #LittleDorrit, where #Dickens takes a pointed and extended jibe at #British #xenophobia and #racism against foreigners. I’ll have to gather some more thoughts about this, and will probably blog about it in the coming days. It felt so timeless, and so Brexity. Dickens is hardly blameless in racist attitudes. His oft #antisemitism is notable. But oh, this was on point. #Brexit #Novels #VictorianLiterature #Literature #CharlesDickens #Britain
#literature #britain #british #charlesdickens #victorianliterature #novels #brexit #antisemitism #racism #xenophobia #dickens #littledorrit
I’m nearly finished with the time travelling #scifi novel (it’s good!), so am looking ahead to my planned reads for early June 2023. Most of which are already underway. 1/ reread #LittleDorrit by #CharlesDickens; 2/ continue #PatrickTroughton biography; 3/ continue family tale of two #Tolkien brothers; 4/ continue #LutherArkwright #graphicNovel reread; 5/ read a #rail #travel book; & 6/ continue reading the #largePrint #FallOfNumenor book. #reading #books #bookstodon #fiction #nonFiction #novels
#novels #nonfiction #fiction #bookstodon #books #reading #fallofnumenor #largeprint #travel #rail #graphicnovel #lutherarkwright #tolkien #PatrickTroughton #charlesdickens #littledorrit #scifi
“Negatived” in Charles Dicken’s “Little Dorrit” (1857) and “Our Mutual Friend” (1865). #111Words #CharlesDickens #OurMutualFriend #LittleDorrit #Negatived #RecencyIllusion #Novels #Fiction #Literature #Linguistics https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/05/negatived-in-charles-dickens-little.html
#linguistics #literature #fiction #novels #recencyillusion #negatived #littledorrit #ourmutualfriend #charlesdickens #111words
"Like Robinson Crusoe's money" in Charles Dickens's "Little Dorrit" (1857). #111Words #CharlesDickens #LittleDorrit #RobinsonCrusoe https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2022/11/like-robinson-crusoes-money-in-charles.html
#robinsoncrusoe #littledorrit #charlesdickens #111words
"Had nothing to say and said it": John Cage and the Circumlocution Office in Charles Dickens's "Little Dorrit". #111Words #CharlesDickens #JohnCage #LittleDorrit #LectureOnNothing #Anachronism https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2022/11/had-nothing-to-say-and-said-it-john.html
#anachronism #lectureonnothing #littledorrit #johncage #charlesdickens #111words
On rereading Charles Dickens's "Little Dorrit" and remembering my father as well as Alec Guinness as Mr. Dorrit. #111Words #CharlesDickens #AlecGuinness #LittleDorrit #DerekJacobi #SarahPickering #ChristineEdzard #Strokes https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2022/11/on-rereading-charles-dickenss-little.html
#strokes #christineedzard #sarahpickering #derekjacobi #littledorrit #AlecGuinness #charlesdickens #111words
“He never thought that she saw in him what no one else could see. He never thought that in the whole world there were no other eyes that looked upon him with the same light and strength as hers.”
#littledorrit #charlesdickens #moncreiffepress