Trying to wear a dress in honour of the #summer/visitors. Two dresses are too big, one is too small, and the other looks like I’m auditioning for Little House on the Prairie, part: Modest Woman
#goldilocks #littleHouseOnThePrarie
#summer #goldilocks #littlehouseontheprarie
Reading my son the #littlehouseontheprarie books (which for a Brooklyn kid is like reading him Dune or something equally otherwordly). Nelly Olsen FINALLY made her appearance, holding off for a dramatic entrance like Harry Lime in The Third Man. Then the wheat crop (which we are repeatedly told will pay off ever mounting debt) of course eaten by a swarm of locusts. It's been a journey. #bookstodon
#littlehouseontheprarie #bookstodon
Looks like fun, I'll try!
Bonus pick: #LittleHouseOnThePrarie Seriously, if I'm totally stressed out, sick, or cannot sleep, this just soothes me.
#7seriestoknowme #criminalminds #er #frasier #thespanishprincess #areyoubeingserved #friends #mash #littlehouseontheprarie