On the phone with my best friend. He is traveling in Sweden. So much fun helping him translate to order a Subway for lunch… I have learned the following Swedish words: varm, utan ost, ljust, gurka, paprika and lök. We are so proud to know these now. Skål Sweden. #littlejoys
So fascinated with how our calathea flamestar (aka, prayer plant) moves throughout the day. Photos are over 2 hours apart. Happy weekend! #littlejoys
Two surprises in my little garden today!
1. A dried loofah in perfect condition (I needed a bath sponge!)
2. A bird's nest, with the mama still in it. Which means baby birds are on the way!
I just reached combat level 10 for the first time ever on Stardew Valley! #littlejoys
Some more of my #HikingPhotos - an interesting & unique #tree that has very cool secondary tree growing out of it, my #TMNT in a bed of soft #green #moss & the pure #resilience of #nature shown by a tree that refuses to allow a metal fence to stop it from #growing 🥰
#WorldInMyEyes #MyNaturePhotos #NatureLovers #yyj #VictoriaBC #vanisle #DisabledHiker #DisabledAdventurer #ComeHikeWithMe #LittleJoys #PNW #PacificNorthwest #InterestingThings #SeeWhatISaw #BritishColumbia #Canada #AsianMastodon
#hikingphotos #tree #tmnt #green #moss #resilience #nature #growing #worldinmyeyes #mynaturephotos #naturelovers #yyj #victoriabc #vanisle #disabledhiker #disabledadventurer #comehikewithme #littlejoys #pnw #pacificnorthwest #interestingthings #seewhatisaw #britishcolumbia #canada #asianmastodon
Just noticed the beautiful blue sky we’ve got this morning as I spend a few minutes sitting in bed knitting as a gentle way to start my day 🧶
So lovely to see after the wet & gloomy past few days we’ve had recently 🥰
#mecfs #ME #MEcfsRecovery
#spoonie #spoonielife
#LittleJoys #NeverNotKnitting
#lovelystarttomyday #gentlestart #mecfs #ME #mecfsrecovery #spoonie #spoonielife #pacing #littlejoys #nevernotknitting