Today's #bedtimestory is "You Can't Play Baseball," a story about Molly and her love of baseball #baseball #littleleague #girls #girlpower
#bedtimestory #baseball #littleleague #girls #girlpower
El Segundo Little League falls to Texas in Little League World Series
#elsegundo #littleleague #littleleaguebaseball #littleleagueworldseries #texaslittleleague
#elsegundo #littleleague #littleleaguebaseball #littleleagueworldseries #texaslittleleague
I didn't get to watch the majority of the game because, y'know, work... but I feel like the kids from Curaçao really could use a few lessons in sportsmanship. #llws #littleleague
Interesting. The Little League team from outside Philadelphia was ahead 2-1 until Bryce Harper and the Phillies showed up to watch them from the stands, unintentionally infecting them with their pervading shit-suckage.
The Pennsylvania team lost 7-2.
#llws #littleleague #harpersucks
TV TONIGHT (August 19)
#NeverTooLateToCelebrate #HerDeadlyNightInParis #StandUpToCancer #TheWildSides #BehindYourTouch #NASCAR #LittleLeague #NFLPreseason #UFC #AEWCollision #GreatChocolateShowdown #KingsOfBBQ #VacationHouseRules #ADateWithDeath
#adatewithdeath #vacationhouserules #kingsofbbq #greatchocolateshowdown #aewcollision #ufc #nflpreseason #littleleague #nascar #behindyourtouch #thewildsides #StandUpToCancer #herdeadlynightinparis #nevertoolatetocelebrate
Taking a page out of the Phillies playbook...
Very cool.
#baseball #littleleague #phillies
Media heads to Little League World Series after dramatic 2-0 win over Washington
#phillies #littleleague #baseball
I signed my last game document and am officially retired as Tournament Director of McCabe Park Little League 11U. Goodlettsville beat us tonight and moves on to state and I'm cheering for them all the way.
What a fantastic week of hard work and putting on #littleleague #baseball games. I'm dirty, I'm sweaty, I'm mentally exhausted. And I can't remember a time I had this much fun and excitement.
Now? Relaxation time.
A great day for a #littleleague #baseball tournament.
Also I made us some spray paint stencils. Not bad.
My son had a walk off steal for the win last night. Everyone went ballistic and they dumped the water cooler on him. I think he's my hero now. I'm a proud #baseball dad today. #littleleague
Today was amazing! The parent volunteers crushed it and the kids on both sides put in maximum effort. We also had an absolute stunner triple play, one of the craziest things I've seen in a while. Keep in mind, this is 10 and 11 year olds. Everyone, EVERYONE had to pick their jaw up off the floor. This should probably be on sportscenter or something. #littleleague #baseball
Found my seat for the day #mccabe #littleleague #baseball
#mccabe #littleleague #baseball
The Alameda Yankees absolutely dominated at the Little League Tournament of Champions, scoring a total of 60 completely unanswered runs. To finish out at the championship game, Yankees’ Darren Hurst pitched a no-hitter, sealing the 60-0 tournament score.
#sports #alameda #baseball #RittlerPark #LittleLeague #AlamedaYankees
#sports #alameda #baseball #rittlerpark #littleleague #alamedayankees
Ryan umpiring in Nahant is a good excuse to skip out of work early.
Dodgers @ D'backs
#swampscottll #littleleague #umpire
What's your favorite #LittleLeague story?
Mine is actually from my son. He was already a bit of a team mascot, and the coach was trying to motivate them to chase down ground balls and keep them in the infield.
"Dive if you have to.. you need to get that #baseball!"
And my son (like 9 at the time) looked him dead in the face and said, unprovoked, "It's a want, not a need"
Coach made him run laps but told him with a smirk on his face.. hard to get upset at a kid spitting the truth... 🤣
Out-of-Control Parents Cause Little League Umps to All Quit | Steve Lehto
#Massachusetts #baseball #littleleague #umpires
Taunton Little League umpires won't return for playoffs after being threatened - CBS Boston
#Massachusetts #baseball #littleleague #umpires
One of the greatest things about Albany Berkeley Little League is that the field complex is like a cargo bike parade on game days.
Yesterday was the end of the season and I was laughing (and drooling over all the bikes) as we walked our cargo bikes from the field where we played to the picnic area for our team party.
Can’t wait until next season!
#cargobikes #albanyca #Berkeley #abll #littleleague
As an umpire in this league, I refuse to feel bad for criticizing other umps. That said:
I'm pretty sure this ump hasn't been sure about any call he's made all game. I can't explain it other than he calls "Strike-ish" and "Ball? Maybe? What do you think?"
#littleleague #baseball #umpires
I signed the kid up for Challenger League baseball this year. He did good in his first game but he's not very sporty 😆 #parenting #autism #ChallengerLeague #LittleLeague
#parenting #autism #challengerleague #littleleague
Cactus League 2023: Flashing the Leather 3/3
#springtraining #cactusleague #baseball #mlb #oaklandathletics #sandiegopadres #texasrangers #nickallen #yohelpozo #denzelclarke #esteuryruiz #mannymachado #jakecronenworth #robbiegrossman #littleleague #photography #Nikon
#SpringTraining #cactusleague #baseball #MLB #oaklandathletics #SanDiegoPadres #texasrangers #nickallen #yohelpozo #denzelclarke #esteuryruiz #mannymachado #jakecronenworth #robbiegrossman #littleleague #photography #nikon