Drama movies released in 2006…pick your favorite. Poll 2 of 2.
#homeofthebrave #littlemisssunshine #lettersfromiwojima #luckynumberslevin #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #dramamovies
Heute Abend kommt um 20:15 von #DisneyChannel #LittleMissSunshine - einer meiner absolut liebsten Filme aus meiner Jugend, vor allem wegen der wunderbaren Botschaft, dass es nicht darauf ankommt, hübsch oder perfekt zu sein (plus #LGBTQ-Repräsentation!). Und ich finde es toll, dass der #Film jetzt in Gedenken an #AlanArkin nochmal gezeigt wird.
#Fernsehen #Fernsehprogramm
#disneychannel #littlemisssunshine #lgbtq #film #alanarkin #fernsehen #fernsehprogramm
#LittleMissSunshine was released in movie theaters 17 years ago today.
Richard: "Oh my God, I'm getting pulled over. Everyone, just... pretend to be normal"
#littlemisssunshine #gregkinnear #alanarkin #tonicollette #stevecarell #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon
#RIPAlanArkin, star of stage & screen, acclaimed actor, director, producer, and writer.
Arkin was nominated for countless roles. He won both an #Oscar and an #AcademyAward for his role in #LittleMissSunshine in 2006. He's also known for his roles in #Argo, #TheKominskyMethod, #TheRussiansAreComing, and so many more.
He began his career as one of the early members of Chicago's #SecondCity Comedy group, before moving to #Broadway & #Hollywood.
#AlanArkin was 89. #RIP
#ripalanarkin #oscar #academyaward #littlemisssunshine #argo #thekominskymethod #therussiansarecoming #secondcity #broadway #hollywood #alanarkin #rip
Alan Arkin has just died. Director of "little miss sunshine", one of my all time favourites.
#littlemisssunshine #alanarkin #memorial
#RIP Alan Arkin.
Such a great actor!
I wrote a piece on #littlemisssunshine a while ago
In this cozy, melancholy post-apocalypse, the aliens came less than a year ago. The war lasted two months, but nobody won. Now, with an alien army rising from the ashes of war, you will have to make a dangerous journey across a shattered North America in search of a new home.
#TheLastCaravan is an in-development #ttrpg game about a midwinter road trip in the wake of an alien invasion, designed by Ted Bushman. You could call it #LittleMissSunshine meets #waroftheworlds.
#thelastcaravan #ttrpg #littlemisssunshine #waroftheworlds
RT @brownanddickson
WE'VE GOT SO MUCH NIETZSCHE I COULD KILL MYSELF #nietzsche #philosophy #littlemisssunshine
#nietzsche #philosophy #littlemisssunshine
Ho appena visto #TheFabelmans e ha superato ogni mia aspettativa. Spielberg ce l'ha fatta di nuovo! #StevenSpielberg
Attori spettacolari!!!! #dawsoncreek #oscar #littlemisssunshine
#littlemisssunshine #oscar #dawsoncreek #stevenspielberg #thefabelmans