Naty · @eclecticpassions
9 followers · 69 posts · Server

There's a big discount going on for Little Snitch at BundleHunt

I've used Little Snitch 4 since 2017. When I get my new mac (waiting for 3nm Apple silicon), I will have to get Little Snitch 5. I paid only €25 back then, it's €69 now or €39 to upgrade.

But I just discovered there's a version of an outbound for Macs called Lulu!

Do you use an outgoing firewall?

#security #foss #firewall #macapps #appdiscount #macos #littlesnitch #appreview #mac

Last updated 1 year ago

OSTechNix · @ostechnix
651 followers · 1701 posts · Server
Little Snitch · @littlesnitch
805 followers · 51 posts · Server

@gatewayy We’ve released a nightly build of today that adds compatibility with macOS Sonoma.

If you do encounter any issues, please let us know via


Last updated 1 year ago

denke mit diesem neuen sollte jeder von uns installieren und checken was für daten da zu gebeamt werden

#visionpro #littlesnitch #apple #sicherheit

Last updated 1 year ago

Little Snitch · @littlesnitch
683 followers · 32 posts · Server

Please do NOT install macOS 13.4 beta 4 if you are using any network content filter like or . Apple has introduced a bug in its latest beta causing network connectivity to break.

#littlesnitch #littlesnitchmini

Last updated 2 years ago

Brahn · @Brahn
54 followers · 590 posts · Server

released a free "mini" version for , looks like a very simplified firewall/app manager.


#littlesnitch #macos

Last updated 2 years ago

Geoff Duncan · @geoffduncan
57 followers · 282 posts · Server

"Check out Little Snitch Mini!" they said. "You'll like it, and it's free! You can recommend it to people who want to learn more about how there competer connect out!"

Ladies and gentlemen, you will be unsurprised the first thing I noticed about it was its terrible window management, and I therefore uninstalled it in less than 10 minutes.

#macos #littlesnitch #security #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago

(((_SjG_))) · @angst_ridden
84 followers · 566 posts · Server

Little Snitch pops up dialogs to approve/deny connections. I use Spaces to have eight virtual screens, but after a few days the Little Snitch dialogs start showing up on the wrong virtual screen. Once this starts, it persists until reboot. It drives me crazy.

#mac #macos #littlesnitch #firstworldproblems

Last updated 2 years ago

But again, no hibernation. Closing the lid meant suspend and after several hours the battery was dead. After more than 20 years with I don‘t understand it. And with my failures on ubuntu with this, I was concerned and seriously considered to get a Air, install , block all , get and using it mainly as basis for virtual machines. Seriously. When I spoke to the guy at the Apple Store left me alone when I told him :-). And to me, using the Terminal sucks.

#utm #telemetry #littlesnitch #macbook #mac

Last updated 2 years ago

Dean Amiridis · @deanfx
30 followers · 329 posts · Server
ifun · @ifun
331 followers · 1588 posts · Server

Little Snitch Mini: Light-Version des Netzwerkwächters startet im Abo

Nachdem mit Little Snitch Mini der kleine Bruder des Netzwerkwächters Little Snitch Ende vergangenen Jahres in den Beta-Test gestartet ist, lässt sich die App jetzt offiziell im Mac App Store laden. Little Snitch Mini kann zur reinen Überwachung der vom Mac ausgehenden Netzwerkverbindungen kostenlos genutzt werden, für das Blockieren von Verbindungen sowie weitere Funktionen ist […]

#News #Apps #littlesnitch #Mac

Last updated 2 years ago

Oh 2 ten · @rom
250 followers · 178 posts · Server

Brought back to Alert Mode to fine-tune it. Let’s see if there are new domains that are not being filtered by my -Hole.

#littlesnitch #pi

Last updated 2 years ago

@briankrebs I love little snitch exactly for these kind of things.
And every version of every software seems to become more invasive.
I cannot imagine having a mac without Little Snitch


Last updated 2 years ago

hat viel mit Vertrauen zu tun.
Das nächste Mal verlor ich das Vertrauen als durch einen Fehler beim Release einer neuen Version auf einmal nichts mehr ging.
Das vorletzte Mal verlor ich das Vertrauen, als macOS der Meinung war, an und vorbei Verbindungen nach Hause aufbauen zu wollen. Nur die Community hat das schnell verhindert.
Dann kam .
Es reicht!!!
Und 4 Mrd. Umsatz mit Werbung.
Sie sind nicht die Guten, nur weniger Böse.

#ClientSideScanning #littlesnitch #vpns #macos #datenschutz

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Lunatech
58 followers · 2705 posts · Server

users, if you use you can now find them on Mastodon:


#littlesnitch #macos

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Lunatech
36 followers · 1661 posts · Server

Translation: Do you need a good Firewall for MacOS? Simpler than Little Snitch and free, I recommend Lulu.


#littlesnitch #freesoftware #macos #firewall

Last updated 2 years ago

Wusstet Ihr, dass auch ganz normale verarbeiten kann? Hätte ich das früher gewusst, hätte ich mir viel Zeit gespart.
Wie das geht?

#blocklisten #littlesnitch

Last updated 2 years ago

Jonathan Doughty · @jwd630
6 followers · 38 posts · Server

Though I use I turned on 's firewall on 2022/11/02 - figuring why not?. A few days *before* Ventura 13.2 on 2023/01/24 and several *days after* a reported update to XProtect Remediator I started having issues with my wireless and wired network connections - the "dreaded No Internet Connection / Self-assigned IP address". After days of trials I finally had the bright idea of turning the macOS firewall back off. TaDa, no more issues. Grr, mysteries without an immediate cause.

#littlesnitch #macos

Last updated 2 years ago

Ich habe mal versucht, mit freundlicher Unterstützung von , zu beschreiben, wie man es schafft, einen Rechner so zu kaufen und aufzusetzen, dass so wenig wie möglich bis gar keine Informationen bekommt.

Es ist die Paranoiversion, ich weiss. Und ein Problem habe ich noch, dass ich noch genauer untersuchen muss.

#littlesnitch #apple #macos #michaelbazzell

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Lunatech
29 followers · 994 posts · Server

@engineerminded Also another problem is that many distros don't offer the types of software that users want, but some add on a lot of unwanted bloat. For example is supposed to be a user-friendly distro but they install tons of additional software that you may never use. What they should do is at the time of installation, give you the option to go with the standard package of applications (for "give me all the goodies" types) OR to pick the packages you really want from a list. But then they don't offer some types of packages that people might actually want for security or privacy reasons, such as (a Linux application-specific firewall equivalent to the program) or a good password manager such as , or a good full-system backup utility similar to the program (most Linux backup utilities only back up a subset of the system, such as user files only or system files only, and none have the equivalent of the which lets you restore your applications, settings, and data to a new machine, or if your main storage fails and you have to replace it). The lack of an equivalent to Time Machine/Migration Assistant is one of the major reasons I have not personally gone to Linux on my desktop.

#opensnitch #macos #littlesnitch #keepassxc #linux #linuxmint #timemachine #migrationassistant

Last updated 2 years ago