We’ve released Little Snitch Mini 1.4 today. It adds the ability to optionally show live data rates of sent and received data in the menu bar. And the chart in the status menu now also shows the total amount of data transferred in the displayed period.
@cryptgoat Tatsächlich ist #LittleSnitchMini wohl die Lösung. #PiHole Remote und gleichzeitig #LittleSnitchMini laufen lassen, so lässt sich die Quelle offensichtlich rausfinden 🤝
Little Snitch Mini 1.3 adds blocklist statistics, so you can now watch your blocklists at work and see how effective they are! A counter next to each blocklist entry shows how often connections to a particular domain or server have been blocked.
“… Little Snitch Mini is different because of how comprehensible it is. The interface is entirely free of jargon and technical terms, meaning anyone can use it and learn about what their computer is doing.”
Please do NOT install macOS 13.4 beta 4 if you are using any network content filter like #LittleSnitch or #LittleSnitchMini. Apple has introduced a bug in its latest beta causing network connectivity to break.
#littlesnitch #littlesnitchmini