Each morning, I always look forward to drizzing heavy cream into my coffee and watching the cream rise, swirling to the top. It's thrilling when I'm still groggy.
#nytimes #NewYorkTimes #romanticizingyourlife #littlethingsinlife #simplepleasures #makeitspecial #lifestylesofthehipandfabulous
#romanticizingyourlife #makeitspecial #nytimes #newyorktimes #littlethingsinlife #simplepleasures #lifestylesofthehipandfabulous
In flux y'all...
Now with a badass app, I feel like I can rebuild my timeline again. What's even better is that I'm being forced to grow and expand my horizons. #Growth #ChallengeAccepted #LittleThingsInLife
#growth #challengeaccepted #littlethingsinlife