Ted Tocks Covers
Kansas City
Originally posted on August 22, 2021
A short celebration of the songwriting brilliance of Mike Stoller and Jerry Leiber. Leiber died on this day in 2011.
“Well, I might take a train
I might take a plane
But if I have to walk
I'm going just the same
I'm going to Kansas City
Kansas City, here I come”
#JerryLeiber #MikeStoller #WilbertHarrison #LittleWillieLittlefield #LittleRichard #TheBeatles
#jerryleiber #mikestoller #wilbertharrison #littlewillielittlefield #littlerichard #thebeatles
My baby's back in town
#LittleWillieLittlefield #rhythm and #blues
#littlewillielittlefield #rhythm #blues