Our #DigitalHumanities project, 'Alice Thornton's Books' is using TEI XML to turn her 4 books into a digital scholarly edition. @sharonhoward has blogged about why and what this reveals here: https://thornton.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/posts/blog/2022-08-25-encoding-alice-thorntons-books/ #EarlyModern #WomensHistory #Littodons
#littodons #womenshistory #earlymodern #digitalhumanities
Any #EarlyModern #Histodons #Littodons know about monograms? I read that couples now use woman's initial, joint surname initial, man's initial. But is that what's going on here in the 17thC? I read this as ATW but W could be for Alice Thornton's maiden name (Wandesford) or her husband's name (William).
#littodons #histodons #earlymodern
So what's the hashtag on #mastodon for #literature scholars?
#littodons #littodon #literature #Mastodon