Das war das Open Ship auf der #Littorina zum Fly-By des Ocean Race in #Kiel! Mehr Infos zu Forschung und Segelsport gibt es an diesem Wochenende in unserer Pagode im Ocean Live Park an der Kiellinie. Hier geht's zum Programm: https://kiel-sailing-city.de/veranstaltungen/the-ocean-race-2023-kiel-fly-by.html #UnsereWeltIstDerOzean
#littorina #kiel #unsereweltistderozean
Genomic basis of shift from egg-laying to live-birth in Littorina snails 🐌. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.02.13.528213v2. Authors (not on :mastodon:?) want feedback. #genomics #snails #littorina #phylogeny #selection #selectivesweeps
#Genomics #snails #littorina #Phylogeny #Selection #selectivesweeps
#Eritrea 🇪🇷: #Asmara is located at more than 2,300 metres a.s.l.. The engine shed is home to #littorina type railcars and various classes of steam engines. The narrow gauge line down to #Massawa by the Red Sea starts from here. Pictures taken in December 2014.
#eritrea #asmara #littorina #massawa #PastTrainTrips