A cool feature of some #Syriac #liturgical #manuscripts: at the point in the Anaphora (or 'mass') where they celebrate the Eucharist, certain words are given calligraphic emphasis. The below example is from APSTCH AYMA 00013, which can be viewed here: https://w3id.org/vhmml/readingRoom/view/539054
#syriac #liturgical #manuscripts
I keep looking for a list of *themes* for the Gospel part of the Sunday liturgy, I can't find one. Does such a thing exist? (It must, I'm sure I found one once in a Sunday school curriculum... but I've forgot the name of it).
Also, I have never quite been able to detect unifying themes that tie all the week's readings together.
Anyway... what would you say is the Gospel theme this week?
It looks to me like maybe.... Jesus prayed for unity.
#eastertide #liturgy #liturgical #gospel #rcl
The Geography of Sound says goodbye to 2022 with music by Valentin Silvestrov, Tigran Mansurian, Manuel Ruiz del Corral and Grégoire Rolland.
Click here at 24h to listen: http://www.rtp.pt/antena2/ or listen to it later here: http://www.rtp.pt/programa/radio/p1123 #antena2
#newmusic #classicalcontemporary #classicalmusic #musiquecontemporaine #contemporarymusic #liturgical #organ #vocal #instrumental #modernmusic
#antena2 #newmusic #classicalcontemporary #classicalmusic #musiquecontemporaine #contemporarymusic #liturgical #organ #vocal #instrumental #modernmusic
I’m so excited that it’s #Advent, and I’m so discombobulated from moving this year that I’m utterly unprepared
#Liturgical folks, Tell me how you’re observing the season?
I grew up #RomanCatholic and #Presbyterian. So there is always a battle within me between those two extremes. My own #spirituality draws heavily on the #liturgical traditions of #Christianity without being tied to all the dogma. I am theologically the Christian equivalent of Mordecai Kaplan.
#romancatholic #presbyterian #spirituality #liturgical #christianity