Your mental health shouldn't be commoditized and compartmentalized by your company into well-defined #wellness time. It's a con; a ploy to distract from #LivableWages, #Regulation, #Unionization, and to keep focus on profit above all. This is giving a millimeter to forgo the meter of real progress. Of course, take the time and do what you have to do.
Jobs and societies should be structured around wellness as a fundamental basis of living.
#wellness #livablewages #regulation #unionization #capitalism #mentalhealth
Sometimes I just don't know what social ill I should spend my time and energy on.
#climatecatastrophe #COVID19 #gunviolence #vehicleviolence #russianinvasion #whitesupremacy #policebrutality #toxicmasculinity #misogyny #homophobia #transphobia #immigration #affordablehousing #livablewages #incomeinequality #democracy #magatrumpbiglie #warmilitaryindustrialcomplex #fascism #corporategreed #billionairesoligarchs #citizensunited #nuclearweapons
Republicans tell you to go to school if you want a better job.
They turn around and tell you that you wouldn’t be in debt if you hadn’t gone to school.
I call bull.
Every job should pay a livable wage, and companies that don’t pay it should be responsible for the cost of public assistance.