This hashtag is going to mean on , using the

Current stream with highest amount of views.
Then choosing in a biased manner someone who has fewer viewers following the criteria of (the stream must have a camera that shows the face, a bit at least, does not need to fill the entire screen) + (while they are streaming there is a of their current stream)

#hashtagideas #twitch #twitchcustomcategory #neurodivergent #facecam #livearchive #twitcharchive

Last updated 2 years ago

archipixel · @archipixel
41 followers · 147 posts · Server freiburg.social

guten morgen in die runde... sollte noch jemand kein weihnachtsgeschenk für mich haben 😜 ich hätte hier einen link mit tollen schwarz-weiß fotografien 🤩


#lifemagazine #livearchive

Last updated 2 years ago