Cary Grace · @carygrace
118 followers · 91 posts · Server
littlebrownted · @littlebrownted
37 followers · 45 posts · Server

hashtag version: I’m a recently UK trying to emigrate from Twitter before the fascists take it over once & for all. Ashamed that this country still bends to knee to Etonian twerps who’ve trashed the country & our membership to line their own pockets. Likes , , . Partner to a lifelong & proud mum to 2 wise young people. Would forever if the (& the aches and pains) allowed

#pension #Travel #birder #lefty #languages #Books #theatre #comedy #livebands #european #englishteacher #retired #Introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

⭐️⭐️Ceej🔹⭐️⭐️ · @SeigeCeej
95 followers · 443 posts · Server

Hello to the folks who have followed me since I joined here😄

I’ve been trying my best to bring folk over “from the dark side” - but to no avail.

Either way, I’m slowly getting used to how things work here ( though I’m not remotely political - there was enough of that on Twitter -eww) I do love reading posts about

Yeah, that about covers it. I hope we can sit down and have a chinwag 😁

Looking forward to it.

#writing #writerslife #gardening #cats #blogging #books #life #traveling #holidays #scotland #uk #australia #disabilitymastodon #pets #memes #dankmeme #tvshows #foodie #cooking #whatmakesyouhappy #music #livebands #comedy #standupcomedy #podcast #youtube #lols #laughter #randomthoughts #joy #smiles #dogs #doggo #asmr #inspired #gettingtoknowfolks #fangirling #fandoms #fanfic #fanficcommunity #outlander #outlanderstarz #jamiefraser #clairefraser #samheughan #caitrionabalfe #mpc #mypeakchallenge #arts #artsandcrafts #80s #90s #marriedLife #whisky #whiskycollector

Last updated 2 years ago