Video https://youtu.be/fUXVijUZAJg
Blog https://blog.illestpreacha.com/sciartseptember2023gossamer
For the tenth prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: "Gossamer",Intertwining Webs that may have a future to tell with the information from the present.
Coded with #LiveCodeLab & #SonicPi
The webs may tell a future
An insight into the culture
With the ability
The personality
The characteristics
For a futuristic tale to drink
To sip
To unravel
The future that it is to tell
#sciartseptember #sciartseptember10 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding
#newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #gossamer
#livecodelab #sonicpi #SciArtSeptember #sciartseptember10 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #soundscape #soundesign #sciart #monthlychallenge #gossamer
Blogpost for More: https://blog.illestpreacha.com/sciartseptember2023indigo
For the 7th prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: "Indigo" " through #LiveCodeLab, #Hydra and some effects, We are seeing the different shades of Indigo interact with each other.
Bursting of Indigos
Intermingling with various shades and hues
Belonging to the family of Indigo
Blues like the sky
At various times
Purples added to the lines
With a hint of violets
Added to the various colorsets
Bursting of Blues & Purples
Blitzing with their Hues
As their Waves form this Channel
#sciartseptember #sciartseptember7 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding
#newmedia #scifi #animation #sciart #monthlychallenge #blue #indigo
#livecodelab #hydra #SciArtSeptember #sciartseptember7 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #scifi #animation #sciart #monthlychallenge #blue #indigo