Those of you who remember the #Fluxus #livecoding environment might be interested to know that part of its DNA lives on in @thentrythis's (flx) WebGL 3D Game Engine:
"A fully featured browser based game engine used for FoAM Kernow projects such as our Butterfly hunting citizen science games, Viruscraft, Penelope tablet weaving livecoding system and the Royal Society Summer exhibition Malaria games."
#fluxus #livecoding #scheme #opengl
Finally got Common Music running on my machine (Mac) for SBCL/incudine. Not sure about the performance (lot of consing - which may be fine), but goddam it's fun.
So far got it to generate realtime MIDI, lilypond and SuperCollider. CSound is next. I may never emerge from my room.
#CommonLisp #Lisp #Incudine #SuperCollider #CSound #livecoding
#commonlisp #lisp #Incudine #supercollider #csound #livecoding
Once my Mac finishes its OS update (2 hours and counting), I'll be live coding some work on my "Ensembler" event group scheduling system.
Opsitive Office Hour today at 13:00 UTC! Bring a beverage and your questions around Linux system administration, Ruby coding, and DevOps!
#Linux #SysAdmin #SystemAdministration #LearnLinux #Ruby #DevOps #LiveStream #LiveCoding
#Linux #sysadmin #systemadministration #LearnLinux #Ruby #devops #liveStream #livecoding
🎮 You guessed it: we have some more Permacomputing lined up for you! During this meetup, anyone can take the stage and present their own work (in progress)!
🎮 FYI: Even if you have never written a line of code before, this meetup is for you! @goudreinette will help you consider what a Permacomputing approach to your art, academic practice or everyday life could look like.
🎮 Want to indulge in some '80s and '90s nostalgia? Freddy Offenga aka F#READY will introduce you to the Demoscene, an international computer art subculture focused on producing demos. Time to dust off your Atari 2600!
📅 21 September, 20:00 - 22:00
🕹 CCU Studio, Vlampijpstraat 84, Utrecht
🎫 Regular 7,50 / Student 5,00
💫 More info and tickets:
ℹ️ ICYMI: Permacomputing is “a philosophy applying ecological and long term thinking to computers” - a topic increasingly relevant in these contemporary times of unbalanced sustainability models and energy-intensive computing.
#nintendo #nintendods #atari #demoscene #retrogaming #90s #80s #utrecht #artists #artistinresidence #livecoder #livecoding #digitalcreativity #creativecoding #mediaart #newmedia #experiences #interactiveart #electronicmusic #liveperformance #collaboration #digitaleducation #graphics #experiences #immersiveart #machinelearning #designer #3d #digitalculture
#nintendo #nintendods #atari #demoscene #retrogaming #90s #80s #utrecht #artists #artistinresidence #livecoder #livecoding #digitalcreativity #creativecoding #mediaart #newmedia #experiences #interactiveart #electronicmusic #liveperformance #collaboration #digitaleducation #graphics #immersiveart #machinelearning #designer #3d #digitalculture
🎮 Your “old” console can find a new life! In this Permacomputing workshop by Rein van der Woerd, you’ll learn to write your own programs for the Nintendo DS, incorporating its (touch)screens, graphics, speakers, microphone, multiplayer-abilities and all sorts of other weird extensions.
🎮 Ready to replace that old Brain Training cartridge with your own brand new DJing programme? Or custom Nintendo DS interactive art? Or whatever your imagination comes up with? Come join us!
📅 23 September, 13:00 - 17:00
🕹 CCU Studio, Vlampijpstraat 84, Utrecht
🎫 Regular 40,00 / Student 20,00
💫 Find more info here:
ℹ️ ICYMI: Permacomputing is “a philosophy applying ecological and long term thinking to computers” - a topic increasingly relevant in these contemporary times of unbalanced sustainability models and energy-intensive computing.
✨ Art by Rein van der Woerd - @rein
#nintendo #nintendods #utrecht #utrechtcreatives #artists #artistinresidence #livecoder #livecoding #digitalcreativity #creativecoding #mediaart #newmedia #experiences #interactiveart #electronicmusic #liveperformance #collaboration #digitaleducation #graphics #experiences #immersiveart #machinelearning #designer #3d #digitalculture
#nintendo #nintendods #utrecht #utrechtcreatives #artists #artistinresidence #livecoder #livecoding #digitalcreativity #creativecoding #mediaart #newmedia #experiences #interactiveart #electronicmusic #liveperformance #collaboration #digitaleducation #graphics #immersiveart #machinelearning #designer #3d #digitalculture
WIP: mixing #livecoding languages Živa and #tidal 's SuperDirt with SuperCollider's built-in alternative syntax of method selectors as binary operators ( Looking good
And we're live! Today's topic on FullStackLive: `Opsitive Office Hour - Your Ruby and Linux questions || !officehours !support !stand`
Join us for a chat on !
#LiveStream #LiveCoding #Linux #DevOps #Ruby #SysAdmin #SystemAdministration
#liveStream #livecoding #Linux #devops #Ruby #sysadmin #systemadministration
Opsitive Office Hour today at 19:00 UTC! Grab a beverage, bring your questions on Linux system administration, Ruby coding, and DevOps! Or simply drop by for a chat; that's fine, too. :D
#Linux #SysAdmin #SystemAdministration #LearnLinux #Ruby #DevOps #LiveStream #LiveCoding
#Linux #sysadmin #systemadministration #LearnLinux #Ruby #devops #liveStream #livecoding
And we're live! Today's topic on FullStackLive: `Ruby dev / Linux ops / CTO life || !support !stand`
Join us for a chat on !
#LiveStream #LiveCoding #Linux #DevOps #Ruby #SysAdmin #SystemAdministration
#liveStream #livecoding #Linux #devops #Ruby #sysadmin #systemadministration
I'm gonna be writing a lib for platform/native spell checking in #Flutter live on shortly; join in if interested!
#flutter #flutterdev #livecoding
Live streaming #gamedev with #Godot - starting in ~5 minutes!
This week we return to adding "hot reload" functionality to GDExtension, so you can leave the Godot editor running, and have it automatically pick up any changes to your extension. It's very, very nearly ready for wider review and testing!
It should be fun :-)
#gamedev #godot #godotengine #livecoding #stream #indiedev
And we're live! Today's topic on FullStackLive: `Working on the Linux Master Course || !support !stand`
Join us for a chat on !
#LiveStream #LiveCoding #Linux #DevOps #Ruby #SysAdmin #SystemAdministration
#liveStream #livecoding #Linux #devops #Ruby #sysadmin #systemadministration
New live stream at 13:00 UTC! On today's Full Stack Live, I'm going to work on the new study material for the Linux Master Course. Join me for a chat!
#Linux #SysAdmin #SystemAdministration #LearnLinux #Ruby #DevOps #LiveStream #LiveCoding
#Linux #sysadmin #systemadministration #LearnLinux #Ruby #devops #liveStream #livecoding
And we're live! Today's topic on FullStackLive: `Opsitive Office Hour || !officehours !support !stand`
Join us for a chat on !
#LiveStream #LiveCoding #Linux #DevOps #Ruby #SysAdmin #SystemAdministration
#liveStream #livecoding #Linux #devops #Ruby #sysadmin #systemadministration
Rdv ce soir à partir de 21h30 sur pour la suite du bootloader maison pour la Cricut Maker. On va tenter de comprendre comment boote un PIC32MX 😅 et finaliser le code du bootloader et de l'application #livecoding
And we're live! Today's topic on FullStackLive: `A cornucopia of sysadmin work || !support !stand`
Join us for a chat on !
#LiveStream #LiveCoding #Linux #DevOps #Ruby #SysAdmin #SystemAdministration
#liveStream #livecoding #Linux #devops #Ruby #sysadmin #systemadministration
Aujourd'hui je m'attaque à Blufo, un petit jeu inspiré de Blitz, développé en 2016, recompilé en 2021. Toujours en WIP sur
Il est temps de traiter des TODOs dessus puis soumettre la nouvelle version pour Android 13 et les autres plateformes.
Une démo des fonctionnalités actuelles est disponible sur
#delphi #firemonkey #gamedev #indiedev #livecoding
Right, NYC #algorave and #livecoding people. I’m in your city for the next week, staying in Brooklyn. Who wants to meet up and chat?
Who wants to make some noise?
….Who knows where I can go to nab some free wifi?
Realise I’ll probably meet plenty of you at the gig at wonderville on Saturday but i fly home the next day and won’t get much chance to hang out afterwards, so hit me up early to avoid disappointment.
made a cute Decimal to Binary convertor for #livecoding use. #Algorave #puredata #python #pygame
#livecoding #algorave #puredata #python #pygame