Growing up in rural Ireland the #bicyle was still pretty much king in the late 60s /early 70's. The #bike is perhaps one of the underestimated forces for mobility and change in the lives of the rural working class.
Country diary 1948: role of the bike in rural life | Rural affairs | The Guardian
#ireland #livedHistory
#bicyle #bike #ireland #livedHistory
Old enough to have a vague memory of #mauerfall - parents glued to television (after we previously went on “holiday” and never went back), filled with excitement and hope that we will be able to see family again, me not realising what was actually happening but some buzz in the air indicating this is A Big Day
Memories like this burn Into your brain
Memories like this also make you love the concept of #eu and #europe forever
#mauerfall #eu #europe #deutschland #livedHistory