Das großartige #liveambient and #liveelectronic Projekt aus #München #ambioSonics hat wieder eine neue Aufnahme auf #YT:
#yt #ambiosonics #munchen #liveelectronic #liveambient
Reminder: this is today! See @synthwiz in action! 6p PST / 9p EST
#ElectronicMusic #LiveElectronic
#ElectronicMusic #liveelectronic
🎄🔔A special Holiday treat from @synthwiz70! On Dec 23 @ 6 PM PST, you can hear a live-improvised performance from Craig, right from his living room! Set a reminder now – and join us in the chat while we listen live together!
#ListenLive #listentogether #ambientelectronic #craigpadilla #synthesizer #synthmusic #MusicIsArt #LiveAmbient #LiveElectronic #holidayconcert
#listenlive #listentogether #ambientelectronic #craigpadilla #synthesizer #synthmusic #musicisart #liveambient #liveelectronic #holidayconcert