@GreenTeam here's a review of Fri night 2 from #LiveForLiveMusic https://liveforlivemusic.com/news/billy-strings-broomfield-colorado-2-3-23
#liveforlivemusic #BillyStrings
Whew, the spring and summer 2023 concert season is ramping up. Just spent way too much money on tickets for next year. Looking forward to more amazing live music in 2023.
#GregoryAlanIsakov #RedRocks #AniDiFranco #DriveByTruckers #JudahAndTheLion #SilversunPickups #BalckViolin #JukeboxTheGhost
#gregoryalanisakov #redrocks #anidifranco #drivebytruckers #judahandthelion #silversunpickups #balckviolin #JukeboxTheGhost #concert #concerts #livemusic #liveforlivemusic #music
Ended the week with The Smile at Massey Hall. The Radiohead side project was great, the quieter side of Radiohead with Thom and Johnny trading guitar, bass, and keys with the incredible Tom Skinner on drums. One of the most engaged crowds I've ever seen, totally into the music, and respectful of everyone around them. The Massey is a beautiful looking room, and it sounded great.
#concert #concertphotography #concerts #livemusic #liveforlivemusic #radiohead #thesmile #tomskinner #masseyhall
#concert #concertphotography #concerts #livemusic #liveforlivemusic #radiohead #thesmile #tomskinner #masseyhall