#30DaySongChallenge Day 22 A song that moves you forward.
Hmmm. Not sure how much this differs from a song to drive to, a song I never get tired of, a song that needs to be played loud, a song from my preteen years, and a song from the 70s.
That said, I'm sharing this rocker for today's prompt even though Television's Ain't That Nothing is a multi-category banger...
#TomVerlaine #FredSmith #BillyFicca #RichardLloyd #LiveMusicIsBetter
#livemusicisbetter #richardlloyd #billyficca #fredsmith #tomverlaine #30daysongchallenge
#30DaySongChallenge Day 19 A song that makes you think about life.
Gracious. Life is a big category of things for a song to make you think about...
#Rush #AimeeMann #LiveMusicIsBetter
#livemusicisbetter #AIMEEMANN #rush #30daysongchallenge
On Saturday I saw an Acapella band called The Magnets and it had been 10 years since I saw them last and wow they blew me away. I sang, laughed and smiled all night and I really hope they come back to Aberdeen soon.
#aberdeen #scotland #acapella #vocalmusic #vocalpercussion #themagnets #HisMajestysTheatre #livemusic #livemusicisbetter #livemusicexperience
#aberdeen #scotland #acapella #vocalmusic #vocalpercussion #themagnets #hismajestystheatre #livemusic #livemusicisbetter #livemusicexperience
Jane Weaver, groovetastic! @ The Rickshaw Stop. #sfba #music #musodon #livemusicisbetter
#sfba #music #musodon #livemusicisbetter
Sonoda groovy opening set! @ Rickshaw Stop #sfba #music #musodon #livemusicisbetter
#sfba #music #musodon #livemusicisbetter
#NowPlaying I'm one of the lucky / blessed ones right now with my employment situation, so the title of this track is not a commentary on my *personal* work situation. That said, Bosses Hang (and pretty much the entire #GodspeedYouBlackEmperor oeuvre) is fantastic.
#LuciferianTowers #BossesHang
#livemusicisbetter #bosseshang #luciferiantowers #GodspeedYouBlackEmperor #nowplaying
#chrisforsyth at The Chapel. Can’t do much better. #sanfrancisco #music #musodon #livemusicisbetter
#chrisforsyth #sanfrancisco #music #musodon #livemusicisbetter
#chrisforsyth at The Chapel. Can’t do much better. #sanfrancisco #music #musodon #livemusicisbetter
#chrisforsyth #sanfrancisco #music #musodon #livemusicisbetter