Achja, was man so alles findet im Internetz. 2018 hatte ich mich noch nicht mal hauptberuflich in die Selbstständigkeit hineingeworfen, da mischte ich nicht nur dieses kleine Indoor-Festival sondern auch diese Aufnahme der Band… „Cajon Moon“, eine Nummer ursprünglich vom Mister Supercoolblueser J.J. Cale. Besonders süß der selbstgebaute Totenkopf-Mikrofonständer des Sängers.
#nielsotunes #tontechnik #veranstaltungstechnik #blues #recording #liverecording #jjcale #cover #musik #music #souledout #cajunmoon
#cajunmoon #souledout #music #musik #cover #JJCale #liverecording #recording #blues #Veranstaltungstechnik #tontechnik #nielsotunes
PsychEd - Indoctrination by Answers In Reason #psychology #beardedheretic
for #livestream #livevideo #liverecording #live #answer #answers #logic #mind #book #reading #psychological #education #psychologyeducation #answersinreason
#psychology #beardedheretic #livestream #livevideo #liverecording #live #answer #answers #logic #mind #book #reading #psychological #education #psychologyeducation #answersinreason
PsychEd - Indoctrination by Answers In Reason #psychology #beardedheretic
for #livestream #livevideo #liverecording #live #answer #answers #logic #mind #book #reading #psychological #education #psychologyeducation #answersinreason
#psychology #beardedheretic #livestream #livevideo #liverecording #live #answer #answers #logic #mind #book #reading #psychological #education #psychologyeducation #answersinreason
Gamification of Atheism by Answers In Reason #gamification #discourse #discussion #atheismandatheists #sciphi #sciphilive #livestream #atheist #rpglife
atheism #godmode #music #livevideo #liverecording #live #language #vest #clothing #theist #theism
#gamification #discourse #discussion #atheismandatheists #sciphi #sciphilive #livestream #atheist #rpglife #godmode #music #livevideo #liverecording #live #language #vest #clothing #theist #theism
#cameraman #liverecording #theatre in #italy with a #Panasonic #HCX1
#cameraman #selfie #preshow #liverecording #theatre #italy #panasonic #HCX1
DnB Mix before: Atheist Community? (Article Reading) - SciPhi by Answers In Reason
'Drum & Bass Mix before the live stream on Atheist Community.
#dnb #mix #drumandbass #atheist #atheism #livestream #livevideo #liverecording #live #theist #theism #platosrave!(pre-showmixes)
For more great videos, recommendations, memes and live streams, please subscribe here:
#dnb #mix #drumandbass #atheist #atheism #livestream #livevideo #liverecording #live #theist #theism #platosrave
Ich liebe diese drei Akkorde, und die Frau auch.
(Und aufgenommen hab ich's auch noch. Live in St. Maria als… Stuttgart. Vor nun fast einem Jahr. Der leiseste Titel der Platte.)
#nielsotunes #annaohlmann #pianosolo #musik #music #postpoppiano #livealbum #liverecording #stuttgart #beginto #stmariaals
#stmariaals #beginto #stuttgart #liverecording #livealbum #postpoppiano #music #musik #pianosolo #annaohlmann #nielsotunes
New post from A Head Full of Wishes
My record collection: #019: Galaxie 500 - Winkles, Bedford soundcheck - December 1989 (CDR)
In July 2012 Lori emailed me “we found some pictures that we took at the Galaxie 500 ICA gig […] also I’ve got an audio of the soundcheck they did at Winkles in Bedford” - sometimes brilliant things like this...
#Bedford #Winkles #Souncheck #Bootleg #LiveRecording #Galaxie500 #MyRecordCollection #Audio
#audio #myrecordcollection #galaxie500 #liverecording #bootleg #souncheck #winkles #bedford
Here's another unearthed live recording from 2004. This one's a bit of an unusual one off for the release party of KAMP's "in Interzone" EP, live at Cafe Leopold, Vienna.
Downtempo trip-hop/hip hop inspired breaks & contaminated samples... still fairly experimental.
Hope you enjoy
#liverecording #downtempo #breaks #triphop #vienna
#vienna #triphop #breaks #downtempo #liverecording
Midtempo-Relax-Jazz gewünscht? Ich empfehle ein Weihnachtslied:
Kann man eigentlich zu jeder Jahreszeit hören.
(Produktion/Live-Mitschnitt von mir, Band: SP2 Jazz im Quintett.)
#nielsotunes #jazz #music #musik #liverecording #weihnachten #xmas
#xmas #weihnachten #liverecording #musik #music #jazz #nielsotunes
#SteveHillage - '#TheGloriousOmRiff' #Live (1979) from the #Album #Green - #BBCRadioOne #LiveRecording (1992)
#Music #Song #Rock #RockMusic #Pop #PopMusic #Prog #ProgRock #ProgressiveRock #ProgRockMusic #Guitar #Guitars #ElectricGuitar #ElectricGuitars #Metal
#metal #electricguitars #electricguitar #guitars #guitar #progrockmusic #progressiverock #progrock #prog #popmusic #pop #rockmusic #rock #song #music #liverecording #bbcradioone #green #album #live #thegloriousomriff #stevehillage
The recording of COLDSORE's live-set at @noisetraffic in the @vapaantaiteentila bunker is now online over here:
GRM performed as COLDSORE with an array of their self build METSÄÄN MACHINES, namely the Musique Concrète Platform (bowed, plugged, stroked and scratched), Dirty Drone synth, ANAPHYLAXIS filter + some EHX pedals. Beware: This is the most 'dark ambient' recording of COLDSORE this far.
Before the instrumental set, GRM made a short rather abstract vocal intro about noise, traffic, communication, transparency, responsibility, disruption of deeply engraved patterns of social behavior and complicity.
And asked the audience to talk more about normalisation + disruption!
(unfortunately i failed to record that part.)
The pictures are taken by @danielhakkaa, thank you. A big up to the organizers, other performers and audience.
#darkambient #musiqueconcrete #liverecording #metsään #coldsoresound #bunker #shelter #helsinki #underground #thismachinekillsfascists #dirtydrone #anaphylaxisfilter #noisemusic #noise #antifascistmusic #anarchXnoise
#endwhitesupremacy #darkambient #musiqueconcrete #liverecording #metsaan #coldsoresound #bunker #shelter #helsinki #underground #thismachinekillsfascists #dirtydrone #anaphylaxisfilter #noisemusic #noise #antifascistmusic #anarchxnoise
This should be fun! 🎶
#LooseEnds #BBCRadio4 #BBC #radio #CliveAnderson #music #americana #folkmusic #folk #singersongwriter #live #folksinger #acoustic #guitarist #songwriter #scottishartist #scottish #musician #liverecording #liveperformance @BBC #BBCRadio
#bbcradio #liveperformance #liverecording #musician #scottish #ScottishArtist #songwriter #guitarist #acoustic #folksinger #live #singersongwriter #folk #folkmusic #americana #music #cliveanderson #radio #bbc #bbcradio4 #looseends
Can’t argue with a bit Willie. I really love live albums as you get the artist full and clean without production excess. This has just been released and features him at the height of his power. Have a great Wednesday. #WillieNelson #Budokan #Live #Music #LiveRecording #Country #CountryMusic
#willienelson #budokan #live #music #liverecording #country #countrymusic
Last @itsathing recording of the year happening shortly. Come listen in the #LIVERECORDING channel in our Discord!
Neue #Klaviermusik! Am 1. Dezember hatte das Album #BeginTo #Release von #AnnaOhlmann auf #BandCamp
Anna Ohlmann spielte ein Jahr lang während #Corona improvisierte Konzerte vor Menschen zuhause oder in Kleinstgrüppchen. Emotionen und Impressionen aus diesen Begegnungen destillierte sie in 10 #Kompositionen, die sie live am #Flügel in der #Kirche #StMariaAls in #Stuttgart #improvisierend ausgestaltete.
Daraus entstand dieses Album, das meine Wenigkeit #live aufgezeichnet und anschließend unter #Linux in #Mixbus presswerkfertig gemacht hat.
Hört mal rein, wenn's gefällt, bestellt, als Download, in der BandCamp #App oder als #CD zum Anfassen. 80% des Kaufpreises gehen an die Künstlerin auf Bandcamp, jeder Kauf hilft da wirklich! Das Album wird nicht auf #Spotify erscheinen, eben drum.
#piano #solo #concert #liverecording #livealbum #jazz #modernpiano #music
#music #modernpiano #jazz #livealbum #liverecording #concert #solo #piano #spotify #cd #app #mixbus #linux #live #improvisierend #stuttgart #stmariaals #kirche #flugel #Kompositionen #corona #bandcamp #annaohlmann #release #beginto #klaviermusik
Less than two weeks to go until #Dragonmeet and #PodcastZone2022 🎙️🎧
Who's coming along? Be sure to grab your ticket
#Dragonmeet #podcastzone2022 #ttrpg #rpg #liverecording
What a line up for #PodcastZone2022 eh?
Be sure to check out the PodcastZone which features all the bios/links of the 2022 attendees and the show schedule 🔗
Be sure to grab your ticket to #Dragonmeet to see all the live recordings!
#podcastzone2022 #Dragonmeet #ttrpg #rpg #liverecording
Delighted to announce this year’s #PodcastZone 2022 Live Shows/Recordings lineup!
Finally, we have ‘New Genes Please!’ with RPGeeks!
An interactive adventure based on audience suggestions! 🎲
📍 Beaujolais/@Dragonmeet
🗓 Sat 3rd December
⏰ 4pm - 5:30pm
Be sure to grab your ticket to #Dragonmeet to see all the live recordings!
#podcastzone #Dragonmeet #ttrpg #rpg #liverecording