The Liver King seemed to come out of no where and, just as suddenly, disappeared in a cloud of steroid based scandal.
Where did he come from and how did he create his massive empire in such a short period of time?
Jake Tran shows us how.
#liverking #JakeTran #scandal #scam #amazon #influencer
As a #youtuber, I need to apologize to my audience and confess that I use steroids to treat my eczema.
Thank you for your courage #liverking
#Musk, #Trump, #LiverKing, #LoganPaul, #AndrewTate...
Beachtlich, wie die umjubelten Kartenhäuser der toxischen Männlichkeit in den letzten Wochen in sich zusammenfallen.
#andrewtate #loganpaul #liverking #Trump #Musk
Liver King Hilarious Joke | My Funny Confession #liverking #Jokes #liverking #news #joerogan
#liverking #jokes #news #joerogan
Watch ""I F**ked Up" Liver King Opens Up About Steroids Controversy | PBD Podcast | Ep. 214" on YouTube
More Plates More Dates guy on Rogan. #LiverKing
Noooo Liver King!! It’s a sad day. #liverking #steroids #tricked #scandal
#scandal #tricked #steroids #liverking
Taking bets #jiujitsu #bjj #liverking #nattyornot
#nattyornot #liverking #bjj #jiujitsu
I’ve been eating bull balls for a year now exclusively and I find out the liverking has been on steroids. Dammit #liverking
I’ve been eating bull balls for a year now exclusively and I find out the liverking has is on steroids. FACK #liverking
You will all be *very* surprised to learn that the so-called Liver King—a guy who sells supplements for his “ancestral lifestyle—is allegedly using ~$11,000 worth of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) every month.
Do I have a moral problem with PEDs? No.
Do I have a moral problem with grift? Yes I do.
#liverKing #fitness #exercise #disinfo #paleo #steroids #grifters #influencer
#influencer #grifters #steroids #paleo #disinfo #exercise #fitness #liverking
You will all be very surprised to learn that the so-called Liver King—a guy who sells supplements for his “ancestral lifestyle—is allegedly using ~$11,000 worth of performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) every month.
Do I have a moral problem with PEDs? No. Do I have a moral problem with grift? Yes I do.
#paleo #grift #muscles #natural #bodybuilding #liverking