Our latest Inspiration Liverpool post takes a departure from the city's Indie scene to enjoy some late 90s early 00s tinged music from singer Daisy Gill. A chat about her musical loves and her busy career. We talked @officialtlc @aloeBlacc and @taylorswift
Check it all out at https://inspirationliverpool.co.uk/daisy-gill/
And be sure to check out Daisy's latest releases
#inspirationLiverpool #liverpoolmusic #liverpoolmusicscene #liverpoolculture #liverpoolmusicians #music #musicscene #musicblog
#musicblog #musicscene #music #liverpoolmusicians #liverpoolculture #liverpoolmusicscene #liverpoolmusic #inspirationliverpool
Liverpool is all over the music news at the moment with Eurovision in town. For our latest look at the music that inspires Liverpool I had a great chat with Connor James of @dockcityband about the music from Liverpool artists that got him to playing guitar and forming a band.
Check it out at https://inspirationliverpool.co.uk/connor-james/
#theBeatles #wombats #movingtoNewYork #thenightcafe #inspirationLiverpool #liverpoolmusic #liverpoolmusicscene #liverpoolculture #liverpoolmusicians #music
#music #liverpoolmusicians #liverpoolculture #liverpoolmusicscene #liverpoolmusic #inspirationliverpool #thenightcafe #movingtonewyork #wombats #thebeatles
As we've launched the new http://InspirationLiverpool.co.uk website this weeks #threeForFriday #music #quiz takes it's own inspiration from the project and the city of the number 1 single - so how's your knowledge of Liverpool?
Pop your answers in the comments.
#threeForFriday #music #quiz #musicquiz #trivia #musictrivia #popmaster #musicfans #instaquiz #inspirationLiverpool #liverpoolmusic #liverpoolculture #liverpoolmusicians #music #musicscene #musicblog #cavernclub #thebeatles #LIPA #ukno1
#ukno1 #Lipa #thebeatles #CavernClub #musicblog #musicscene #liverpoolmusicians #liverpoolculture #liverpoolmusic #inspirationliverpool #instaquiz #musicfans #popmaster #MusicTrivia #trivia #musicquiz #quiz #music #threeforfriday