Marvel's #Avengers Shutting Down Further Development, #CrystalDynamics Confirms
The studio is putting all of its focus into #TombRaider.
Crystal Dynamics has now confirmed that Marvel's Avengers will no longer receive new content following the game's 2.8 update on March 31, 2023.
Cosmetic purchases will be turned off as well. Official support will end on September 30, 2023. Credits will become in-game resources.
#MarvelsAvengers #LiveServiceGames
#avengers #crystaldynamics #tombraider #marvelsavengers #liveservicegames
The community impacts of #FinalFantasyVIITheFirstSoldier shutting down are seldom discussed - people assume "nobody played it" and that it won't be missed. There were thousands of us, even on the day the service ended. I appreciate this article for giving a voice to us 💚


#FFVIITheFirstSoldier #FFVIIFS #FinalFantasy7TheFirstSoldier #FF7TheFirstSoldier #FF7FS #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasy #SquareEnix #Gaming #VideoGames #LiveServiceGames #TripleAGames #AAAGaming #AAAGames #TripleAGaming
#finalfantasyviithefirstsoldier #ffviithefirstsoldier #ffviifs #finalfantasy7thefirstsoldier #ff7thefirstsoldier #ff7fs #finalfantasyvii #finalfantasy7 #ffvii #ff7 #finalfantasy #squareenix #gaming #videogames #liveservicegames #tripleagames #AAAGaming #aaagames #tripleagaming
The community impacts of #FinalFantasyVIITheFirstSoldier shutting down are seldom discussed - people assume "nobody played it" and that it won't be missed. There were thousands of us, even on the day the service ended. I appreciate this article for giving a voice to us 💚


#FFVIITheFirstSoldier #FFVIIFS #FinalFantasy7TheFirstSoldier #FF7TheFirstSoldier # #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasy #SquareEnix #Gaming #VideoGames #LiveServiceGames
#finalfantasyviithefirstsoldier #ffviithefirstsoldier #ffviifs #finalfantasy7thefirstsoldier #ff7thefirstsoldier #https #finalfantasyvii #finalfantasy7 #ffvii #ff7 #finalfantasy #squareenix #gaming #videogames #liveservicegames
The community impacts of #FinalFantasyVIITheFirstSoldier shutting down are seldom discussed - people assume "nobody played it" and that it won't be missed. There were thousands of us, even on the day the service ended. I appreciate this article for giving a voice to us 💚
#FFVIITheFirstSoldier #FFVIIFS #FinalFantasy7TheFirstSoldier #FF7TheFirstSoldier #FF7FS #FinalFantasyVII #FinalFantasy7 #FFVII #FF7 #FinalFantasy #SquareEnix #Gaming #VideoGames #LiveServiceGames
#finalfantasyviithefirstsoldier #ffviithefirstsoldier #ffviifs #finalfantasy7thefirstsoldier #ff7thefirstsoldier #ff7fs #finalfantasyvii #finalfantasy7 #ffvii #ff7 #finalfantasy #squareenix #gaming #videogames #liveservicegames
Deathverse: Let It Die servers are getting suspended in July - #GungHoOnlineEntertainmentInc. #Deathverse:LetItDie #LiveServiceGames #SupertrickGames #BattleRoyale #Free-to-play #Hack&Slash; #Suda51
#suda51 #hack #free #battleroyale #supertrickgames #liveservicegames #deathverse #gunghoonlineentertainmentinc