August’23 refresh of Slackware Live ISO collection
Last weekend I pushed version of liveslak code to my git repository and used it to generate a fresh batch of Slackware Live ISO images.
Main change between 1.7.0 and is fixing the broken Ventoy support on UEFI computers. Slackware Live ISO works out of the box on Ventoy again. The documentation will help
Slackware is an interesting beast; nwg-shell by @nwgpiotr is a great gtk-shell on top of Sway, with a ton of additional tools. Put the two together, as done by @jloc0 in a liveslak iso, and you get this. Kudos! Now in a VM, but certainly on metal soon.
#slackware #nwgshell #sway #liveslak
#slackware #nwgshell #sway #liveslak
Liveslak 1.7.0 released with fresh batch of Slackware Live ISOs
Liveslak has a slow release cycle these days. It's ten months since the 1.6.0 release which added full Ventoy support. There were a few minor releases but the last one of those was already half a year ago.
Yesterday I pushed version 1.7.0 to my git repository and used it to generate a fresh bat
DAW Live based on Stable Slackware 15?
Someone recently contacted me with the request to base Slackware Live DAW edition on a stable Slackware release like 15.0 instead of using Slackware -current. The rationale being that it would bring relative peace of mind not having to worry about daily updates and potential sudden breakage of your audio applications.
#slackware #software #audio #daw #liveslak #stable
DAW Live based on Stable Slackware 15?
Someone recently contacted me with the request to base Slackware Live DAW edition on a stable Slackware release like 15.0 instead of using Slackware -current. The rationale being that it would bring relative peace of mind not having to worry about daily updates and potential sudden breakage of your audio applications.
#Slackware #Software #audio #ardour #audacity #daw #liveslak #stable
#slackware #software #audio #daw #liveslak #stable #ardour #audacity
So it sees the drive and says that it mounts, then doesn't mount in reality.
I'm going to load up #LiveSlak to investigate and pull the data I need from the drive. It's an internal SSD, so I'll have to add it as an fstab. Once I get over this hump, I'll be back on the ground running.
One thing about this, I absolutely love how unified everything in #OpenBSD feels.... I don't know why or what it is, yet, but something about it feels unified. Kind of a fan of that....
Liveslak 1.6.0 veröffentlicht
In der neuen Version 1.6.0 unterstützt die Slackware-Live-Distribution jetzt vollständig Ventoy und führt ein neues Skript zur Containerverwaltung ein.