Went to see The Addams Family Musical at our local theatre last night. A great show and so much fun. I love #LiveTheatre and #Musicals
And #DunsPlayfest is very much a community run festival, the brilliant Art Deco entrance being built by Duns Mens Shed.
#CommunityTheatre #MensShed #LiveTheatre #Festival #ScottishBorders
#ScottishBorders #festival #livetheatre #mensshed #communitytheatre #dunsplayfest
Duns Playfest www.dunplayfest.org.uk opens with a free party tomorrow night, followed a week of 20+ new plays presented by both professional and community theatre groups, along with shops and music gigs, cabaret etc.!
#LiveTheatre #CommunityTheatre #Duns #DunsPlayers #DunsPlayfest #ScottishBorders #CostaDelBerwickshire
#costadelberwickshire #ScottishBorders #dunsplayfest #dunsplayers #duns #communitytheatre #livetheatre
Tonight, I'll be on stage with the fine folks of Paper Street Theatre and their 50 hour Improvathon. I'm there 10pm - 1am, because 3 hours of improvisation is more than enough for me.
You can get more details here, and watch the livestream:
#livetheatre #theatre #improv #yyj
Lived through paper tech. Now it's cue to cure. Love live theater.
Tiny Beautiful Things opens on April 21, at 8 pm.
#BATtheatre #BurienTheater #TinyBeautifulThings #LiveTheatre #OpensApril21
#opensapril21 #livetheatre #tinybeautifulthings #burientheater #battheatre
Tiny Beautiful Things comes to HULU on April 7. BAT's play opens on April 21. Check them both out and let us know who did it better!
TICKETS https://battheatre.org/shows/current-season/tiny-beautiful-things
#livetheatre #tinybeautifulthings #openingsoon #battheatre
I saw Carousel for the first time last night 🎠 https://www.performancenow.org/carousel #livetheatre #rodgersandhammerstein It's beautifully sung by the company. #PerformanceNow
#livetheatre #rodgersandhammerstein #performancenow
Tech week is where fresh vegetables go to die . . .
#techweek #theatrewoes #livetheatre #theatre #scenicdesigner #scenographer #ICantItsTechWeek #cooking #freshfood #cleaneating #eatingclean #homecooking #homecookedmeals #vegetables #veggies #freshvegetables #freshveg
#techweek #theatrewoes #livetheatre #theatre #scenicdesigner #scenographer #icantitstechweek #cooking #freshfood #cleaneating #eatingclean #homecooking #homecookedmeals #vegetables #veggies #freshvegetables #freshveg
It is nice to be back in person. Just sold our first ticket to On the Market to a BAT-fan in Portland. It will be good to see you again!
#BATtheatre #SeeYouAgain #ComingFromPortland #OnTheMarket #LiveTheatre #InPerson
#inperson #livetheatre #onthemarket #comingfromportland #seeyouagain #battheatre
Last night, we saw 'Lesbihonest' a one woman stand up show which is part of Intrepid Theatres OutStages Festival.
It's a funny and soul searching examinatiin of coming out, what it means to be out, the difficultly of labels and just wanting to find yourself as 'you'.
One more show tomorrow night (and tonight in about one hour)
#outstages #livetheatre #victoriabc #yyj
“Though I know I should be wary,
Still I venture someplace scary.
Ghostly hauntings I turn loose;
Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!”
Date Night in Playhouse Square!
#Beetlejuice #musicals #livetheatre #cleveland
By way of introduction/hashtag dump, I'm a secular #Witch who uses #journaling, #yoga and #tarot to ease #anxiety, #migraine and #ChronicPain.
In the Before Times I was into #Hockey, #ProWrestling, #LiveMusic, and #LiveTheatre, especially #InteractiveTheatre and #Shakespeare. These days I'm at home with my #cats, #reading, playing #Sims4 and #dnd5e online, watching #StarTrek and #BritishCrimeShows and listening to #TrueCrimePodcasts. #ssdgm
#witch #journaling #yoga #tarot #anxiety #Migraine #chronicpain #hockey #prowrestling #livemusic #livetheatre #interactivetheatre #shakespeare #cats #reading #sims4 #dnd5e #startrek #britishcrimeshows #TruecrimePodcasts #ssdgm
By way of introduction/hashtag dump, I'm a secular #Witch who uses #journaling, #yoga and #tarot to ease #anxiety, #migraine and #ChronicPain.
In the Before Times I was into #Hockey, #ProWrestling, #LiveMusic, and #LiveTheatre, especially #InteractiveTheatre and #Shakespeare. These days I'm at home with my #cats, #reading, playing #Sims4 and #dnd5e online, watching #StarTrek and #BritishCrimeShows and listening to #TrueCrimePodcasts. #ssdgm
#witch #journaling #yoga #tarot #anxiety #Migraine #chronicpain #hockey #prowrestling #livemusic #livetheatre #interactivetheatre #shakespeare #cats #reading #sims4 #dnd5e #startrek #britishcrimeshows #TruecrimePodcasts #ssdgm
Went to the #theatre last night for the fist time (#livetheatre ) since 2019!
It was so wonderful.
The #panto is a big fundraiser for our local theatre and is great fun for the performers and the audience (I’ve been both).
Have any of you been to one or performed in one?
#introducion I'm an #EpiscopalPriest serving in the #Episcopal Church in #Delaware. I love #livetheatre #socialjustice #DollyParton #muppets and #Jesus
Slowly figuring out a new platform and excited to see how the #HolySpirit might use a new medium. I'm always curious about how creative expression can move us closer to God and one another. #theopoetics
#introducion #episcopalpriest #episcopal #delaware #livetheatre #socialjustice #dollyparton #muppets #jesus #holyspirit #theopoetics
In my happy place... in a theatre bar, a couple of minutes before the show starts. The peg is my ticket. Of course.
Warning! Shameless self-promotion toot. #OneOff at #LiveTheatre in Newcastle Upon Tyne has its official opening last night. I did the sound design & composery bits but more importantly #RicRenton wrote it and #JackMcNamara directed with @BexBowsher and what they did is terrific, I’m very thankful I was asked to be part of it. It really is very good I promise so go catch it if you can.
#OneOff #livetheatre #RicRenton #JackMcNamara
Some interests to make connections...
#theatre #theatremaker #performingarts #arts #culture #museums #opera #ballet #musicals #gigs #livetheatre #comedy #performer #creatives #theatrepeople #theatrecommunity #ticketing #marketing
#theatre #theatreMaker #performingarts #arts #culture #museums #opera #ballet #musicals #Gigs #livetheatre #comedy #performer #creatives #theatrepeople #theatrecommunity #ticketing #marketing
What’s your favorite Zombie, Christmas, Musical and why it’s #AnnaandtheApocalypse .
I love this freaking movie so hard. Soldier At War has become my idiot anthem. Hollywood Ending slips into my mind twice a day.
I’d really love for this to become a live stage production. C’mon people, it’s been 5 years.
#musical #musicals #horror #horrorfilms #ZombieChristmasMusical
#Stage #livetheatre #MusicalTheatre
#annaandtheapocalypse #musical #musicals #horror #horrorfilms #zombiechristmasmusical #stage #livetheatre #musicaltheatre