RT @SussexPrincess@twitter.com
#LivetoLead produced my Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan out December 31st on Netflix 🤍
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SussexPrincess/status/1604864806636363776
I saw #OnTheBasisOfSex recently (on Hulu, w ads) so was struck by ep 1 of #LiveToLeadNetflix with #RBG Ruth Bader Ginsburg. One of her last interviews.
The scene at the end of #LiveToLead, just after she died, and there was a candlelight vigil in front of the Supreme Court. It was Covid times before 💉. There’s a still image of someone holding a sign, “honor her wishes” (she said/wrote, let the winner of this election choose my successor). Of course TFG didn’t.
#onthebasisofsex #livetoleadnetflix #rbg #livetolead
TV TONIGHT (December 31)
#Lizzo #LizzoLiveInConcert #LadyVoyeur #LiveToLead #LoveAndMarriageHuntsville #BestOfStandUp #NYRE #RyanSeacrest #NewYearsEveLive #AndersonCooper #AndyCohen #PeachBowl #FiestaBowl #SugarBowl #PremierLeague #CollegeBasketball
#collegebasketball #premierleague #sugarbowl #fiestabowl #peachbowl #AndyCohen #andersoncooper #newyearsevelive #ryanseacrest #nyre #bestofstandup #loveandmarriagehuntsville #livetolead #ladyvoyeur #lizzoliveinconcert #lizzo
#LivetoLead #LiveToLeadNetflix #NelsonMandela #PrinceHarry #Meghan👑🇺🇸 #Africa #SouthAfrica #Leaders #Netflix #Documentary #BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Have Another Show Coming to Netflix https://www.harpersbazaar.com/celebrity/latest/a42285934/prince-harry-meghan-markle-live-to-lead-docuseries-netflix/
#LiveToLeadNetflix #nelsonmandela #princeharry #southafrica #livetolead #meghan #africa #leaders #netflix #documentary #blackmastodon #blacktwitter