Exciting possibilities ahead! With iOS 17, get ready to experience seamless integration of cutting-edge features! Imagine live voicemail for real-time call responses. Assistive voice technology mimics your voice perfectly. The journal/calendar combo keeps track of your past, present, and future activities. Stay connected, organized, and efficient. Apple's innovation never ceases! #iOS17 #LiveVoicemail #AssistiveVoice #FutureTech #SeamlessIntegration
#ios17 #livevoicemail #assistivevoice #futuretech #seamlessintegration
Wonder if #LiveVoicemail will require carrier support or done on device. #iOS17 #WWDC
#Apple has labored over 40 years to bring us to a point where they can give us #LiveVoicemail. But we already had that in the 80s before we went digital and lost basic functionality like this for decades. #wwdc