#Iceland #Volcano #LiveWebCam #norsktut
This feed from RUV.is is absolutely fascinating!
#iceland #volcano #livewebcam #norsktut
The wild boar babies have come to the feeding spot for the first time! 💖
#nature #birds #LiveWebCam #deer #WildBoar #squirrel #MentalHealth
I've been following this webcam.
There's a little mouse that lives under the feed tray. Very cute and very fast!
There's a dark brown squirrel with the cutest tufts on it's ears.
There's a young deer buck I've named Sweetheart. He has 3 prongs on his antlers this year.
I keep it running on my 2nd computer screen in my office when I'm not using it for other windows. Sound or no sound - it is relaxing.
#nature #birds #livewebcam #deer #wildboar #squirrel #mentalhealth
RT @LesSybelles: 🔴 Live webcams domaine skiable des Sybelles @skaping @LaToussuire @stsorlindarves #neige #live #livewebcam #ski #francemontagnes
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/skaping/status/1630153281426137088
[27/02 10:30]
#neige #live #livewebcam #ski #francemontagnes
On my second screen, I have a live webcam in fullscreen that is peaceful and uplifting. Something I suspect more of us need in these times.
So I thought I would share this. At the moment the 4 babies the wild boar had this summer are there on their own, but still sticking together - nibbling away at one of the food troughs.
Turn on sound and you can hear the trickling from the waterfall.