Via Super 70s Sports 🤖 @Super70sSports
100% would’ve been the first guy to sign with #LIVGolf if he could’ve …
How U.S. Ryder Cup Captain Zach Johnson plans to finalize his captain’s picks
#Golf #golfmagazine #livgolf #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #pgatour #RyderCup #subpar #SubparPodcast #zachjohnson #ZachJohnsonGolf
#golf #golfmagazine #livgolf #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #pgatour #rydercup #subpar #subparpodcast #zachjohnson #zachjohnsongolf
Cameron Smith & Marc Leishman: The Dynamic Duo of LIV Golf
#Australiangolfers #CameronSmith #DynamicTeam #Golf #golfbanter #golfchampionship #GolfDuo #golfhighlights #golflegends #GolfSkills #golfstrategy #GolfSwing #Golftournament #GolfingStars #golfoloy #LiveGolfEvent #livgolf #marcleishman #pga #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #professionalgolf #SwingGolfology #TeamworkinGolf
#australiangolfers #cameronsmith #dynamicteam #golf #golfbanter #golfchampionship #golfduo #golfhighlights #golflegends #golfskills #golfstrategy #golfswing #golftournament #golfingstars #golfoloy #livegolfevent #livgolf #marcleishman #pga #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #professionalgolf #swinggolfology #teamworkingolf
Ian Poulter Urges Golf to Implement These Changes
#Golf #GolfSwing #golfoloy #IanPoulter #ianpoulter160ftputt #ianpoulterangry #ianpoulterbillyhorschel #ianpoultercarcollection #ianpoulterfart #ianpoulterferrarishot #ianpoultergolfswing #ianpoulterinterview #ianpoultermedinah #ianpoulterrickshiels #ianpoulterrydercuphighlights #ianpoulterswing #ianpoulterworldrecord #livgolf #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #SwingGolfology
#golf #golfswing #golfoloy #ianpoulter #ianpoulter160ftputt #ianpoulterangry #ianpoulterbillyhorschel #ianpoultercarcollection #ianpoulterfart #ianpoulterferrarishot #ianpoultergolfswing #ianpoulterinterview #ianpoultermedinah #ianpoulterrickshiels #ianpoulterrydercuphighlights #ianpoulterswing #ianpoulterworldrecord #livgolf #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #swinggolfology
Be LIV! Brooks Koepka flop short motivation! #golfshorts , #livgolf , #beliv, #golf , #bestgolf
##beliv ##golfshorts #BeLIV!BrooksKoepkaflopshortmotivation! #BestGolf #BrooksKoepka #Golf #livgolf #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking
#golfshorts #livgolf #beliv #golf #bestgolf #brookskoepka #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking
I'll second that...
Via Super 70s Sports @Super70sSports ·
Name an athlete you enjoy seeing lose. I’ll start by saying Patrick Reed bogeys are like stepping out on the patio and taking a deep breath of sweet, sweet morning air for me. Josh Brown Intro Video III 8-1-23 #ArizonaCoyotes #CentralDivision #golf #JackNicklaus #JoshBrown #LivGolf #PGA #PhilMickelson #RoryMcilroy #TIGERWOODS #WesternConference
#arizonacoyotes #centraldivision #golf #jacknicklaus #joshbrown #livgolf #pga #philmickelson #rorymcilroy #tigerwoods #westernconference
It’s been a while, but the podcast is back!
We talk:
🏈 Aaron Rodgers and the Jets
🏈 Commanders sale
🏈 RB conundrum
⛳️ LIV / PGA Merger
⚾️ MLB trade deadline
⚽️ Women’s World Cup and more!
#nfl #jets #mastodonfc #livgolf #pga #aaronrodgers
#nfl #jets #mastodonfc #livgolf #pga #aaronrodgers
Infuriated after being blindsided by the #PGA Tour’s pact w/ #SaudiArabia’s sovereign wealth fund, a band of leading golfers has won a series of concessions from the beleaguered circuit’s commissioner — including the elevation of #TigerWoods to the tour’s board — in a star-driven rebuke of the tour.
#MBS #JamalKhashoggi #PIF #LIVgolf #HumanRights #Sportswashing
#pga #saudiarabia #tigerwoods #mbs #jamalkhashoggi #pif #livgolf #humanrights #sportswashing
Cameron Smith: Pros REVEAL Just How Good He Is..
#CameronSmith #cameronsmithchipping #cameronsmithgolf #CameronSmithgolfswing #CameronSmithhighlights #cameronsmithhouse #cameronsmithinterview #cameronsmithliv #cameronsmithlivgolf #cameronsmithmasters #cameronsmithputter #cameronsmithstorylifetime #cameronsmithswing #cameronsmiththeopen #Golf #livgolf #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #SportingFocus
#cameronsmith #cameronsmithchipping #cameronsmithgolf #cameronsmithgolfswing #cameronsmithhighlights #cameronsmithhouse #cameronsmithinterview #cameronsmithliv #cameronsmithlivgolf #cameronsmithmasters #cameronsmithputter #cameronsmithstorylifetime #cameronsmithswing #cameronsmiththeopen #golf #livgolf #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #sportingfocus
Camilo Villegas en exclusiva (parte 2) – Charlas con Nación Golf
#camilovillegas #CamiloVillegasGolf #Golf #GolfColombiano #golfencolombia #Golfistas #livgolf #MiasMiracles #pga #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #pgatour
#camilovillegas #camilovillegasgolf #golf #golfcolombiano #golfencolombia #golfistas #livgolf #miasmiracles #pga #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #pgatour
Via claire rogers @kclairerogers
Who among us has not tried to scheme our way into a membership at Augusta? I have no choice but to respect this wild move
Via Scott MacFarlane @MacFarlaneNews ·
In the middle of the Senate hearing, a 9/11 victim’s son stood up from the audience, walked forward with his records toward the witness table. And placed them next to an executive with the PGA Tour
I have to say I was a big #pgatour fan until this whole #LIVGolf thing. I am so soured to #golf right now, don’t even think I’m going to watch #theopen. I feel so bad for the PGA Tour pros who had the wool pulled over their eyes and got the #deliverance
#pgatour #livgolf #golf #theopen #deliverance
Genius 😆
Via John Nucci @jnucci23
I’m surprised the PGA Tour-PIF Senate hearing schedule didn’t look more like this:
10:00am - 10:20am: ESPN+
10:20am - 10:45am: Peacock
10:45am - 11:45am: No Coverage
11:45am-12:17pm: CBS
12:17pm - 2:00pm: No Coverage