I just answered a call from a number not in my contacts.
Living dangerously: trying to stir some Nesquik into milk in a mug, without the kids noticing, and pass it off as a 'boring' cup of tea. #parenting #LivingLifeOnTheEdge
#parenting #livinglifeontheedge
Old Cumbrian Proverb: The sweetest grass always grows on the edge of a 2000 foot drop...
#Photo #Photography #Cumbria #LakeDistrict #Sheep #Sheepodon #Ovisodon #LivingLifeOnTheEdge
#photo #photography #cumbria #lakedistrict #sheep #livinglifeontheedge #sheepodon #ovisodon
Oh my. After 3 years of research, writing, and editing, I think I just finished my book 🤯
I shall now throw caution to the wind, and celebrate with a herbal tea.