#DearDiary: Today I got to punch a bear in the face. #LifeGoals
This Swedish Teenager is #LivingTheDream.
#livingthedream #lifegoals #deardiary
Kicking off Friday night with an hour and a half’s worth of ironing
#livingthedream #reallife #fantasy
"No matter what you read out there, there’s no carrier or MVNO that’s going to be perfect for everyone. It all depends on where you live, where you commute or travel to, and how you’re utilizing your service."
#routetoretire #livingthedream #lovinglife #personalfinance #pf #money #spending #FIRE #financialfreedom #financialindependence #lifeisgood #permanentvacation #adventure #cellphone #mintmobile #mvno #cellservice #phone
#routetoretire #livingthedream #lovinglife #personalfinance #pf #money #spending #fire #FinancialFreedom #financialindependence #lifeisgood #PermanentVacation #adventure #cellphone #mintmobile #mvno #cellservice #phone
The absolute state of modern digital life. Cheery customer emails about services that can detect me on the dark web and fake my videos (for free!) #tech #LivingTheDream
Why can't I remember how much moving sucks when you do it yourself?
Even though I'm probably more in shape now than I've ever been, I'm still only a couple of years from 50 - it's time for this stuff to be handled by younger folks.
We moved into my mother-in-law's house for about a month. Then it's off to to travel the U.S. for probably around 9 months in our RV.
Life is good... the moving process definitely is not.
#movingsucks #moving #earlyretirement #livingthedream #lifeisgood
#movingsucks #moving #earlyretirement #livingthedream #lifeisgood
I just bought a short MIDI cable and a MIDI Y-Splitter. :pg:
#ChronicHealth life:
Box just arrived with #knuckle splint for long term as-needed joint protection after knuckle replacement required by 20 years of medication-resistant #rheumatoid disease.
*probiotic #gummies to help control long-term IBS and current effect of cephalexin because of a (fortunately rare) UTI.
*fiber gummies for IBS.
I think I'll roll my #powerchair (which I use because of rheumatoid disease and chronic ankle problems after fracture caused because of #osteoporosis after #prednisone needed during RA flares) down to the city arts #festival today and have a #beer and buy some #art.
#rheumatoidArthritis #mobility #livingTheDream
#ChronicHealth #knuckle #rheumatoid #gummies #powerchair #osteoporosis #prednisone #festival #beer #art #rheumatoidarthritis #mobility #livingthedream
I gave a talk on inventing, and the image the society used to highlight the talk was me fursuiting out to dinner with my team. Talk was called "From zero to 1 billion." #LivingTheDream
HaHA! I just knocked my water glass over.
It was empty.
I must say... the view from the suite we're staying at for the next two nights in #Boquete, #Panama ain't too shabby!! Not bad for about $100/night out the door! 🇵🇦
#thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #financialfreedom #retireearly #permanentvacation #whyforfi
#boquete #panama #thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #FinancialFreedom #RetireEarly #PermanentVacation #whyforfi
The #allotment visit on the way back was exhausting but worthwhile.
We've come home with a windfall peach, purple sprouting broccoli, raspberries, blackcurrants, rhubarb, peas & beans.
Only got slightly damp in a short sharp shower.
Sunday dinner will be a jacket potato and cheese.
There are some really cool hikes near Boquete, Panama. We just did one the other day called Bajo Mono in Los Naranjos, which is one of my favorites.
You get a little of everything - a walk in the cloud forest, a really cool waterfall, spectacular views, a few animals, and more.
Really fun!
#hiking #cloudforest #waterfall #bajomono #thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #freedom #routetoretire #panama 🇵🇦 #whyforfi #travel #travelabroad #centralamerica #nature #outdoors
#hiking #cloudforest #waterfall #bajomono #thisiswhyiretired #livingthedream #lifeisgood #freedom #routetoretire #panama #whyforfi #travel #travelabroad #centralamerica #nature #outdoors
If that is the case we either go home and spend our free time sitting infront of the pc and playing video games or going on networking events and meeting you all for a cold drink!
#gameindustry #gamedevelopment #games #indiegames #routine #daily #livingthedream #work #networking #gameaudio #audio #videogames
#gameindustry #gamedevelopment #games #indiegames #routine #daily #livingthedream #work #networking #gameaudio #audio #videogames
Have you ever asked yourself "What the H*ll are Audio People even doing the whole day?"
Well then today is your lucky day because we reveal how we spend our days at Audio Creatures !
Before even thinking about work, coffee is the most important tool in the studio of a composer and sound designer.
#gameindustry #gamedevelopment #games #indiegames #routine #daily #livingthedream #work #networking #gameaudio #audio #videogames
#gameindustry #gamedevelopment #games #indiegames #routine #daily #livingthedream #work #networking #gameaudio #audio #videogames
Always hits the nerves to have to tell a repeat wholesale client that prices have gone up since their last order, no matter how long it's been
Sudden radio silence after doing so is extra unsettling
maybe it's nothing
maybe it's definitely the thing
We've now reached the waiting and seeing part of our program
neat neat neat
#smallbusinesslife #artistlife #livingthedream
So far, my lunch has consisted of an Eccles Cake and a bag of salted peanuts.