For the next couple days my parent's dog Balto will be staying with me. That means Julia is under room arrest for now, and none too pleased about it.
#CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #LivingTogether #MassHysteria
#catsofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #livingtogether #masshysteria
Dieses #Portrait hängt seit fast zehn Jahren an unserer Küchentür.
"#IHaveADream" und "#NowIsTheTime" sprach der Bürgerrechtler und #Baptisten-Pastor Martin Luther King Jr. #heute vor sechzig Jahren in Washington. Was ist unser Traum vom Zusammenleben, für den wir uns mit ganzem Herzen einsetzen? Die Rede:
#MartinLutherKing #MLK #EndRacism #LivingTogether
#portrait #ihaveadream #nowisthetime #baptisten #heute #MartinLutherKing #mlk #endracism #livingtogether
While it may not be Sunday, it can still be a sun day. #catsanddogs #livingtogether #masshysteria
#catsanddogs #livingtogether #masshysteria
From time to time I waste a bit of time during my day reading the Reddit /r/popular feed. It is getting less and less of a draw as I follow more people on Mastodon but what I can never understand are the people that post photos of their cats or dogs having kittens or pups.
There are 100s of animals in shelters if you or your friends want a new companion in the house. Why do this?
#reddit #dogs #cats #livingtogether #masshysteria
Under construction. The renovation site of 'La Convention', an old building, renovated by a collective to create a place of shared habitat. Auch, France, 2014-2017.
📷 Emmanuel Veneau (cc by-nc-sa) #AmbulationsPhotographiques #Series
#photography #UnderConstruction #demolition #SharedHabitat #housing #LivingTogether #BlackAndWhite
👤 #UsAndWe
#usandwe #blackandwhite #livingtogether #housing #sharedhabitat #demolition #UnderConstruction #photography #series #AmbulationsPhotographiques
Love wins. #dogs #cats #livingtogether #masshysteria
#dogs #cats #livingtogether #masshysteria