#livonian #disappearinglanguages
(2/x) Short experiment : For livonian in OSM, we have only 16 nodes with a name:liv=* tag + a few buildings (see picture). This should be improved with the help of the fantastic work done by the #livonian institute. (https://livonian.tech/en/#places)
Language activists could also proudly contribute to translations. For that, we need to broaden the OSM-community.
A huge work is already being done for humanitarian purposes. What about working with OSM for language #revitalization ?
This market square lies next to the Cathedral of #Riga, one of the most visible landmarks of the city skyline. A church was first built here in the early 13th century as bishopric for Albert von Buxthoeven, who led the #Livonian Brothers of the Sword in a #Crusade against the inhabitants of this region.
Attending a #literary discussion organized by #NuorenVoimanLiitto. The topics are about #translating #Livonian and #Galician #poetry in #Finnish, role of literary magazines and so on. Currently the discussion is about recently published #anthology of Galician texts that were translated... poorly. How does a bad translation affect the reception of the poem in detail? Interesting question!
#literary #nuorenvoimanliitto #translating #livonian #galician #poetry #finnish #anthology