🚨🚨🚨 #Jan6Committee #lizcheney #trump #BREAKING
Holy shit. Liz Cheney has had it with #Trump, just Tweeted a link to a website with all the January 6th committee transcripts, hearings, documents, exhibits, & final report. She adds, "No surprise Trump doesn't want you to see the J6 Committee evidence." Liz Cheney at her best.
#Jan6Committee #lizcheney #trump #breaking
@Melody The chickens are coming home to roost #lizcheney. #DishonorableRethuglicans
#dishonorablerethuglicans #lizcheney
Whatta world when the likes of #MittRomney & #LizCheney are considered "good ones" because they do the bare minimum of supporting #democracy and not straight up #fascism.
#mittromney #lizcheney #democracy #fascism
#US #USA #elections #trump #politics #lizcheney
😁The following is true not only (but especially) with regard to the US:
""What we’ve done in our politics is create a situation where we’re electing idiots,” she said. “(...) I look at it through the lens of how do we elect serious people, and I think electing serious people can’t be partisan.""
It sure sounds like Liz Cheney is plotting to blow things up for #Republicans in 2024 - Queerty
#us #usa #elections #trump #politics #lizcheney #republicans
Liz Cheney thinks Americans are electing idiots and "The View" has something to say about it
Cheney, in no uncertain terms, said that America is "electing idiots," Using Marjorie Taylor Greene as an example of this a statement
"I really believe, and I've never believed something as strongly as I know this, that the single most important thing for the country is that Donald Trump can't be anywhere near the Oval Office again," she said.
"Cheney says she won't do anything that 'helps' Trump as she weighs White House bid. Former Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., was also asked whether she would run as a third-party candidate if she were to launch a presidential campaign."
#US #News #Politics #democrats #republicans #gop #lizcheney
If there’s one thing you can like about #LizCheney its her honesty. I respect her for that. #Politics
Liz Cheney on what’s wrong with politics: ‘We’re electing idiots’
#WashingtonPost #LizCheney #Politics #IdiotsInPolitics #ElectionIssues #PoliticalLeadership #Politics #News
#washingtonpost #lizcheney #politics #idiotsinpolitics #electionissues #PoliticalLeadership #news
@ViolaB #MikePence is despised by most of the #GOP but he is polling in a distant third place.
👉🏾 https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/
#NikkiHaley needs to win #SouthCarolina to remain viable, but with #TimScott in the race, I expect them to hurt each other, allowing #Trump to win there.
#LizCheney is only there to harass #DonaldTrump, & I believe she will be excluded from the #GOP debate stage by March due to lack of polling numbers.
#mikepence #gop #nikkihaley #SouthCarolina #timscott #trump #lizcheney #donaldtrump
#FACTCHECK: No, @CNNNetwork Did Not Report That #LizCheney Endorsed #RonDeSantis For President
#factcheck #lizcheney #rondesantis
#LizCheney's new anti-#Trump ad:
C’mon #AdamKinzinger and #LizCheney market yourself as Elliot Ness, give #Republicans an off ramp, and clean up this Gotham mess. The place loves Marvel movies and authentic patriotic homegrown stories. Not the first time some kid from #Illinois or #Wyoming grabbed all the historical glory. #GOP https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gop-megadonor-ron-desantis-reports_n_6448decfe4b04997b574bc3c
#adamkinzinger #lizcheney #republicans #illinois #wyoming #gop
@politicsbot 🔗 https://assortedflotsam.com/users/politicsbot/statuses/110198698949298014
Liz Cheney calls for Greene to lose security clearance: 'She cannot be trusted'
https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/3950948-liz-cheney-calls-for-greene-to-lose-security-clearance-she-cannot-be-trusted/ #Classifieddocumentsleak #MarjorieTaylorGreene #BlogBriefingRoom #jaketeixeira #pentagonleak #LizCheney
#lizcheney #pentagonleak #jaketeixeira #BlogBriefingRoom #marjorietaylorgreene #classifieddocumentsleak
@micahflee And this is the same #FBI STILL being run by Federalist Society #ChristopherWray, the guy who did nada with the intel pouring in documented by the #LizCheney #J6 Cmte, and with open calls for violent civil war on social media. Wray is the same guy that sent 4500 #Kavanaugh tips to #Trump instead of investigating them. And #Biden hasn't fired Wray.
#biden #Trump #kavanaugh #J6 #lizcheney #christopherwray #fbi
@arstechnica #FederalistSociety member and #FBI Director #ChristopherWray is the same guy that sent 4500 #Kavanaugh tips to Trump.
He should’ve immediately been fired for that. Instead, he still hasn’t been fired for ignoring the #January6 Intel that had been pouring in, and open calls for civil war on social media.
General #MarkMilley said that “everyone knew” that #Jan6 was gonna be violent, and that #Trump wanted a coup. #LizCheney #J6 cmte gave Wray a pass to focus on Trump
#J6 #lizcheney #Trump #JAN6 #markmilley #January6 #kavanaugh #christopherwray #fbi #federalistsociety
Whoa, #lizcheney is coming to #uva (to be a professor at the Center for Politics, whose director is #LarrySabato ) #wahoowah #cville ... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/liz-cheney-join-university-virginia-professor-rcna72948
#lizcheney #uva #larrysabato #wahoowah #cville
Liz Cheney is going to become a professor at the University of Virgina in the future as part of her next chapter after losing the primary to another Trump republican. #lizcheney is not our friend so if she runs for president or 3rd party then voting for her will mean you are voting for fascism.
#LizCheney to Teach at University of Virginia https://politicaliq.com/2023/03/01/liz-cheney-to-teach-at-university-of-virginia/ #January6Committe #politicaliq #news #politics
#lizcheney #january6committe #politicaliq #News #politics