I got a flyer in my mailbox the other day from the Loyal NZ party, led by Liz Gunn. A contrarian infamous for calling COVID vaccination targets "jab rape", and claiming that an October 2021 earthquake in the North Island was Mother Nature's response to the govt's COVID management:
Now I'm curious to find out just how many of these rabid right parties are scrapping over the tiny slice of the electorate who might support them.
#election2023 #loyalnz #lizgunn
Winston Peters must be getting desperate, giving a 1hr 40m interview to the the decidedly loopy Liz Gunn .
By claiming "he did not know Gunn promoted conspiracy theories", Peters is either displaying a shocking lack of awareness or wilful ignorance. I know which one I'd choose.
Liz Gunn's moment in court will come. In the meantime she's still as mentally unwell as ever, calling for the Police Commissioner to resign because media laws apparently don't apply to her.
She's been charged with wilfully trespassing, resisting arrest and assault.
#lizgunn #antivax #conspiracies
Liz Gunn & her cameraperson have been arrested at Auckland airport for trying to hassle some poor family getting off a plane from Tokelau. They had their camera confiscated & Gunn was handcuffed.
Some might say it's about time.
Not gonna lie, I’m laughing hard at Liz Gunns statement to Stuff today. Like, she wrote that and actually wanted it published unedited?
One of my favourite podcasts is David McRainey’s You Are Not So Smart. Recently he did a crossover with Cautionary Tales on how conspiracy followers fall into, and disconnect from conspiracy communities.
#Covid #LizGunn #antivax #misinformation #NZ
#covid #lizgunn #antivax #misinformation #nz
A deep dive into Liz Gunn's foul role in perverting & delaying this tiny baby's treatment.
While nobody has declared Gunn insane yet, she believes that "Ardern might try to murder her". That's a weighty persecution complex!
Another excellent piece from @comingupcharlie
#covid #lizgunn #antivax #misinformation #nz