#ElizabethWarren was elected by the majority and her supporters to write, debate, & vote on legislation, among other things. She's made a lot of noise about #StudentDebtRelief and the #studentdebtcrisis Let us all help to ensure she understands how she can help the her supporters by doing her job. Please sign the #petition and pass it along. #Biden can't do it alone, though it hasn't stopped his trying!
#elizabethwarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #petition #biden #lizwarren #studentloans #dogoodtoday
#ElizabethWarren has a job is working for the people by writing, debating, & voting on legislation, among other things. She's made a lot of noise about #StudentDebtRelief and the #studentdebtcrisis & I want to ensure she understands how she can help the people by doing her job. Please sign the #petition and pass it along.
50 ppl have looked & not signed. There are ppl against Liz doing her job? Or just against helping the economy?
#elizabethwarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #petition #lizwarren #studentloans #dogoodtoday
#ElizabethWarren is a woman who's job is working for the people by writing and debating and voting on legislation, among other things. She's makes a lot of noise about #StudentDebtRelief and the #studentdebtcrisis and I want to make sure she understands how she can help the people by doing her job. So please sign this #petition and maybe pass it along.
#elizabethwarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #petition #lizwarren #studentloans #dogoodtoday
By proposing legislation aimed at canceling student debt burdens nationwide, Senator Warren can help alleviate financial hardships faced by millions of Americans. This action would not only provide immediate relief to struggling students and graduates but also contribute to a more equitable society and foster economic growth for all.
#elizabethwarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #lizwarren #studentloans #dogoodtoday
By proposing legislation aimed at canceling student debt burdens nationwide, Senator Warren can help alleviate financial hardships faced by millions of Americans. This action would not only provide immediate relief to struggling students and graduates but also contribute to a more equitable society and foster economic growth for all.
#elizabethwarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #lizwarren #studentloans #dogoodtoday
#ElizabethWarren is a woman who's job is working for the people by writing and debating and voting on legislation, among other things. She's made a lot of noise about #StudentDebtRelief and the #studentdebtcrisis and I want to make sure she understands how she can help the people by doing her job. So please sign this #petition and maybe pass it along.
Why view & not sign? Do you like paying Liz to blow smoke & joke?
#elizabethwarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #petition #lizwarren #studentloans #dogoodtoday #Democracy
A few weeks ago, SCOTUS shot down an attempt by #Biden at #studentdebtrelief However, this ruling also highlighted an alternative path - #Congress can pass laws! Congress can legislate! Now that #Senator #ElizabethWarren knows the truth about executive limitations, she has an opportunity to use her position in Congress effectively and help struggling students and former students all over our nation.
Do some easy good & help pressure #LizWarren to help the #USA
#biden #StudentDebtRelief #congress #senator #elizabethwarren #lizwarren #usa
#lizwarren please write a bill to enact the #studentloanforgiveness you've been talking up for your supporters. It would make us all very happy. Well, many of us, & also it would boost the economy exponentially so everyone could be happy if they admit the benefits.
Please sign the #petition cuz though it's not legally binding, the power of large numbers of citizens holding #elizabethwarren accountable to do her job would bring pressure & motivation & influence ...
#lizwarren #studentloanforgiveness #petition #elizabethwarren
#lizwarren please write a bill to enact the #studentloanforgiveness you've been swearing that you want for all of your supporters. It would make us all so very happy. Well, many of us, & also it would boost the economy exponentially so everyone would prolly be happy somehow.
Please sign this #petition cuz though it's not legally binding or anything, lots of people listed on a site asking #elizabethwarren to do her job would bring pressure & motivation & media buy ...
#lizwarren #studentloanforgiveness #petition #elizabethwarren
#ElizabethWarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #petition #lizwarren #supremecourt
"However, this ruling also highlighted an alternative path - Congress can pass laws! Congress can legislate! Now that Senator Warren knows the truth about executive limitations, she has an opportunity to use her position in Congress effectively and help struggling students and former students all over our nation."
#elizabethwarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #petition #lizwarren #supremecourt
So evidently, I forgot to post this last night.
#ElizabethWarren is a woman who's job is working for the people by writing and debating and voting on legislation, among other things. She's makes a lot of noise about #StudentDebtRelief and the #studentdebtcrisis and I want to make sure she understands how she can help the people by doing her job. So please sign this #petition and maybe pass it along.
#elizabethwarren #StudentDebtRelief #studentdebtcrisis #petition #lizwarren #studentloans #dogoodtoday
#lizwarren #ElizabethWarren #studentloans #studentdebt #debtforgiveness #petition
Liz Warren has been lying for too long about the presidential powers to cancel student debt. However, congress could pass laws to cancel debt, and all kinds of other powerful things. Let's all remind Liz that she has a job, & that job gives her the power, & also the responsibility, to do something useful about student debts.
So let's all say, c'mon, Liz, you can do more than stir up hate!
#lizwarren #elizabethwarren #studentloans #StudentDebt #debtforgiveness #petition
#CFPB orders #WellsFargo to repay $2B to customers as part of $3.7B settlement
Thank you #LizWarren
Thinking back on the #2020primary, laughing at #lizwarren 's results on native reservations.
Shocking full story just posted: Democrats demand “abortion tents” in national parks to mass murder American babies on federal land; Sen. “Pocahontas” Warren thinks federal butchery of Native Americans didn’t go far enough
#abortion #lizwarren #pocahontas #genocide #murder #violence #government #infanticide
#Infanticide #government #violence #murder #genocide #pocahontas #lizwarren #abortion
Hi, I'm #ElizabethWarren and I'm a fraud.
I promised to go after #BigTech last year, but now that my tribe is in #power thanks to #favoritism from #Fakebook, #Birdsite, and #YouScrewed, I'd like to repeat false #rhetoric about #bitcoin, the only thing short of a functional #democracy that gives #powerToThePeople.
I zuck (-I mean, suck)
#lizWarren #phony #fraud #forcedNews #hunterBidenEmails #zucker #bitcoinFixesThis #cryptocurrencies
#elizabethwarren #bigtech #power #favoritism #fakebook #birdsite #youScrewed #rhetoric #bitcoin #democracy #powertothepeople #lizwarren #phony #fraud #forcedNews #hunterBidenEmails #zucker #bitcoinfixesthis #cryptocurrencies
Did you know that if #LizWarren dropped out when Pete did, #Sanders could have won a bunch of other states?
Move over Biden.