What's the matter #LizzTruss ? Can't afford £12k? Some politicians are so cheap. Just leeching off the state. #UKpolitics
Stunning interview if you can bear it with #LizzTruss for Katy Balls and Fraser Nelson’s stony faces trying to hold it together.
#LizzTruss - more deluded than #TommyLeeRoyce? #Happy Valley.
#lizztruss #tommyleeroyce #happy
RT @Collabblues
En route pour le TrussOThon, sachant qu'elle vient d'user en 4 mois 4 ministres des finances, qu'elle vient de remballer sa grande réforme fiscale et que la bourse vient de prendre cher, combien de temps #LizzTruss va t-elle encore tenir à son poste de première ministre 🇬🇧 ?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Collabblues/status/1582025737124876300
RT @jasemonkey@twitter.com
Lizz Truss exits, but with commentary from One Man & His Dog. #lizztruss
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/jasemonkey/status/1547551465669017601