Bon faut quand même que je fasse un peu de promo avec cette histoire de #supra #supraconducteur que certains ont pu rater cet été. Il me semble que je raconte des détails qui n'avaient pas été décrits...
#physique #lk99
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#lk99 #physique #supraconducteur #supra
I want some #LK99 !
The #lk99 #superconductor looks like a bust. It may be something, but it's looking like it's not a superconductor of any sort. Nobody can replicate it at all. If they really had a superconductor that nobody could reproduce, rather than file patents they'd take the route Heinlein's Shipstone took: lock down the few people who know how to do it so tight they'll never want to leave, then set up shop and start producing the stuff. Nobody will care how it works, as long as it works.
#Blog #LK99 LK-99 no tiene bandas planas cuando se calculan con la estructura cristalina correcta
Raumtemperatur-Supraleiter ist keiner. Neue Analysen widerlegen angebliche Supraleitung beim "Wundermaterial" LK-99. #LK99 #Supraleiter #Supraleitung #Physik
#lk99 #Supraleiter #Supraleitung #physik
"Although some commentators have pointed to the LK-99 saga as a model for reproducibility in science, others say that it involved an unusually swift resolution of a high-profile puzzle. “Often these things die this very slow death, where it’s just the rumours and nobody can reproduce it,” says Fuhrer."
#superconductor #lk99 #reproducibility #science
Selbst an meinem freien Tag macht LK-99 keine Pause 😉
Mein Kollege @wstieler hat aufgeschrieben, warum es derzeit nicht gut aussieht für den Raumtemperatur-Supraleiter.
Symbolbild LK-99. (Bild: Rokas Tenys / Shutterstock)
Since the #LK99 thing came out, this has been the only thing I had in my head and I had to create the meme. However, I am afraid it's not gonna happen.
All replications so far failed, and last hope is the oxygen contamination... which let's be real, probably would not work. It was a nice summer sci-fi story while it lasted.
#LK99 an insulator, not a superconductor: ‘he constructed a pellet of compressed graphite shavings with iron filings… mimicked LK-99’s’ half-levitation
All the #LK99 hype makes me think of all the various perpetual motion and cold fusion scams that have been perpetuated over the years. Here’s a funny rundown of a few of them, including a wacky gem about Richard Feynman going up against one of these charlatans and someone getting killed! Read on!
I am slightly disappointed that #LK99 isn't a superconductor — it's not even a conductor, the article says, it's an insulator — and given the rush to publish and the "too good to be true"-ness of it, I shouldn't be surprised... but the article is really thrilling because it involves a ton of nerds with really specific knowledge sets working on a problem until it's solved, and it just seems like with this group of smart as hell people out there, it's on the horizon anyway.
So, #LK99 is almost certainly a bust.
It was fun while it lasted.
And it shone some light onto how much of a rollercoaster real science can actually be.
#Blog #LK99 La guillotina de Nature ha decapitado la superconductividad de LK-99
LK-99 isn’t a superconductor — how science sleuths solved the mystery
#LK99 #Science
Well, looks like the #LK99 #superconductor party is over.
fun while it lasted, not entirely unexpected. and its electrical resistance properties might prove useful in other ways #lk99