@thebritishibm great gig and thanks again for the Jeff Minter anecdote. Nice to remind my wife that I'm a geek now and then. #llamas... hey wow Mastodon knows #llamasoft #llamasattack. That's cool.
#llamas #llamasoft #llamasattack
Please check out my band's new album - First Contact by Llamas Attack!
Available to play or buy on Bandcamp and coming to streaming services over the next few days.
It's been two years of work and if even just one person out there likes it then it'll have been worth the effort. Please spread the word!
Lots of love, Ross 💖
#NewMusic #Rock #ProgRock #SpaceRock #BritishRock #LlamasAttack #UnsignedBand #SpaceLlamaBotsComingToSaveUs
#newmusic #rock #progrock #spacerock #britishrock #llamasattack #unsignedband #spacellamabotscomingtosaveus
Hey everyone, my band's new song has just dropped - please check it out and share it around, even if you hate it - someone you know might like it :P
#llamasattack #newmusic